
Chapter 113

Angela's Point Of View

I knocked gently on the heavy wooden door of Dr. Danciana's office, my knuckles rapping against the polished surface. A muffled voice called out, "Come in!" and I turned the brass handle, stepping into the room. The doctor was behind her desk, poring over some paperwork. She glanced up and offered a welcoming smile.

"Angela, please, come in," she said, gesturing to the chair opposite her desk. I obliged, my anxiety still fluttering beneath my calm exterior.

Sitting down, I tried to maintain a professional demeanor, though I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. Dr. Danciana leaned forward, her hazel eyes focused on me. "So, Angela, what brings you to my office today?"

I returned her smile, though it was tinged with a hint of nervousness. "Well, Doctor, I've completed my rounds in the ward, and I thought it would be a good time to check in with you."

Dr. Danciana nodded, her expression grateful. "Thank you for your dedication, Angela. Your assistan
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