
chapter 54

Chapter 54

Cathy felt as if someone had just splashed ice-cold water all over her body, when she heard Daniel’s question.

‘Who are you?’ Did Daniel just ask her that question? What was wrong with this man?

How could he not know her when they had dinner several times, and she always sat next to him in every board meeting?

In fact, she was the only woman who had been close to Daniel for the past years since his grandpa’s passing.

She had been parading herself as Daniel’s best friend, and the only woman who could get near him. She actually thought that their relationship was special and Daniel felt something towards her.

That was because over the years, although Daniel had not shown any obvious sign that he was interested in her, he had not rejected her outright like he was doing right now.

Cathy opened and closed her mouth like a fish that had been taken out of the water. Even after a long time, she could not utter a single word.

She was trembling all over and her face had turned

"Thank you for your patience. The next chapter will be tomorrow."

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Comments (5)
goodnovel comment avatar
Marlenny Fernandez
And that adding the daily living style of the author can be demanding. They are human beings and things happens in life. The app do this to attract us and for their business is not fun to publish a fool book in one go, they rather get it a chapter at a time
goodnovel comment avatar
Marlenny Fernandez
The app limits authors while the book is on process. They require to start a book and they also stop them in the process to start a new one and if the book audience don’t participate commenting or dropping gems the app turn the book down. They also limit the author on how many chapters they can post
goodnovel comment avatar
Marlenny Fernandez
Well, I used to do the same but some book like this one keep me attracted to it but is best that you just wait for it to be done and then read. With all due respect, You knew the book is ongoing and it’s not just the author fault, it’s the app as well. The app has requirements and limitation towards

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