
Swear On My Life


As I walked back and forth in the cold, sterile hospital hallway, my heart raced, beating like the drums at the festivals. The passing weeks had felt like an eternity, and at last, the moment I'd been waiting for was upon me. Anxiety had a vice-like grip on me, causing my fingers to involuntarily clench and unclench. Despite my efforts to calm the storm of emotions surging within me, I remained unable to do so as I stared at the ICU doors, waiting for them to open up.

A few minutes later, the ICU doors slid open with a soft whoosh, and the medical team emerged. Dr. Anderson, the team's leader, approached me with a reassuring smile on her face.

"We're ready, Mr. Drake," she said, her voice calm, even if the situation wasn't. "Madeline is stable, and we're about to revive her, Do you consent?"

I nodded, my throat tight, and followed her into the room. The sight of Madeline, lying motionless on the hospital bed, made the ache in my heart return not because I had any romantic feelin
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