
Introduction number 2

Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Natasha Greene, and I am Emma White’s best friend. She wrote enough about me that you probably already know who I am. I am sure you were expecting her to keep you up to date on what was going on in her life but sadly that is not possible. Emma and I have been best friends for all of our lives, and I would do anything for her. I came across this book she was writing and of course I read it all. I knew most of it already, yet it was a good refresher for me after everything that has happened.

Emma’s last entry was a few weeks ago so I have much to catch you up on. I think Emma would have wanted me to continue writing for her since the problems with Ruby did not stop with just her. I am not as good at keeping track of locations like she is so there will be none of that with my entry’s, but I am sure you will be able to keep up with me either way.

It came as a shock to me that Emma transferred so much money into my account. I was touched that sh
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