
Chapter Six

"Olivia, come on open up!" I could hear him banging on my door but my heart was already too broken to care. 

I squeezed my eyes some more as I thought of how foolish I actually was. 

Of course he was playing with my emotions. Of course he was not going to love me. Of course I was just a stupid girl who wanted more than she could have.

"Stupid and weak," I muttered to myself as I buried my face in my pillow and screamed, hoping that my screams will be muffled out.

And they were. 

But Daniel did not stop knocking

"Olivia, please let me explain. It's just an expensive joke between me and Stacy. You can't take this personally."

"Daniel just fucking leave me alone!" I screamed at him hoping that he would leave and maybe then I would be able to steady my breathing. 

All I needed was to time to myself, some time to convince myself that I was not losing my mind even though it seemed like I was. 

The banging on my door stopped but I could still feel him there. Leaning on it. 

I imagined he had a mischievous smile on his face. Finally, he was able to get what he had always wanted. 

He had succeded in his tasks and I was devastated that I allowed a guy to fool me the way he did. 

Hot streams of tears flowed down my eyes as I imagined how much I would be humiliated the next day by those idiots in school. 

I could not help but feel like a total idiot. I sat on my bed, hating myself some more and after a few minutes, I could no longer feel his presence at the door. 

"Daniel," I slowly stood up from the bed, my eyes puffy and swollen, itching from the tears that still threatened to fall but still I made my way to the door. 

I lifted my hands and I could see them shaking as I tried to move it to the door handle. 

"Daniel," I called again, this time in fear

And I could not tell why I was afraid. 

But slowly, I pulled on the door handle and opened the door. 

There was no one outside.

Daniel had finally gotten tired of begging me and he left. 

I gasped in shock.

I was not surprised that he left. I was surprised by how fast he left. 

If I wasn't convinced that I meant absolutely nothing to him before, I was at that moment. 

He did not even wait and try to do more. That was how little he cared about my feelings. 

"Stupid girl!" I cursed myself as I ran back into my room and slammed the door. This time I did not try to hold back the tears. I allowed them flow and hoped that my heart would not ache as much anymore. 


Daniel's POV

I was livid. Boiling with rage as I drove to Stacy's house. 

That bitch was going to ruin everything I have worked so hard for and I was not going to stand by and watch that happen. 

I finally had the best way to get my revenge on that woman who took my father away from my mother and now, she was going to ruin everything with her stupid pranks. 

I was not going to stand and let it happen. Speedily, I swerved into her apartment building. 

I knew she had something to do with that video and she was going to get rid of it or fix it weather she liked it or not. 

"Stacy!" I yelled as I banged on her apartment door. 

I could barely control my anger and I kept screaming her name, not caring about the weary eyes of her neighbours as they wondered what she could have done to get me that upset. 

"Stacy! I know you are in there so just come out!" I said when she made no effort to open her door. 

"Stacy, I swear to Lucifer I will break down this door if you don't open it!" I threatened and she finally opened it. 

"Daniel, what's got you so worked up?!" She said casually and I barged into her tiny apartment.

Stacy was not the kind of girl I would ever have anything to do with and up till that moment, I could not tell what even drew me to her in the first place. That made it very easy for me to talk to her anyhow I wanted. 

"How dare you?!" I said angrily, my eyes beaming with anger and my face red.

"Do you have any idea what you have done?" I growled. I did not need anyone to tell me that she was the one behind the picture, I already knew. 

"I have no idea what you are talking about right now." 

"Don't you dare!" I said in anger and pinned her to the wall. 

I saw her winches in pains but that did not abate my anger. It only fueled it up some more. 

"Do you know what your little prank has cost me?! All the plans I spent weeks to do has been washed down the drain because of that stupid video you sent to Olivia." I complained bitterly.

"Well maybe I wouldn't have had to send that video to her if you had just finished what you started with me. For fuck's sake Daniel, we were in the middle of having sex and then you just walk away like that and you think that I won't be hurt, of course I would be. I did that to teach you a lesson." 

"Really now?!" I asked

"Yes. So maybe next time, you will think twice before you actually start leaving me abruptly." 

She still had the nerve to talk. That was one of the most painful part. She could not even go on her knees and beg for my mercy. Instead, she kept babbling her mouth. It angered me. 

"Argh!" Angrily, I punched the wall close to her face and left a dent on it. 

"Now, let me make this perfectly clear to you. You are going to call Olivia and you are going to tell her that you staged that video or else," I moved closer to her. "the next thing I punch won't be the wall," I threatened and watched as she gulped in fear. 

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