
Chapter Three

The next morning, as soon as I entered the kitchen, I saw Daniel sitting at the counter with a serious look on his face and I immediately felt stupid. 

"Of course, he is the one who did all this. And I was stupid enough to believe that he was a good person." I said to myself and angrily walked up to him. 

"Daniel!" I screamed while walking towards him. 

"Oh Olivia, thank God you are awake." He said before I could even get close to him. "Look at what I found lying on my bed when you left." He said and showed me a note.

It was the same as the one I saw last night as well and it had the same picture as well. 

"Do not think for one second that I believe this act you are trying to put together. You did all these, didn't you?" I accused him. 


"I don't want to hear it but if you know what is good for you, then stay far away from me and delete these pictures." I said angrily and walked out of the house. 


We decided to go to school and ignore the eerie events of this morning and with a smile on my face, I walked along the road that led to where I would be schooling. College, they said, was different from high school but I could not be bothered. As long as it was not filled with bullies like my high school was, I would be fine. 

But the thought of having to go to school with my brother flashed through my mind and I shivered at having to see him everyday. Ignoring the sensation I felt, I walked through the school gate and was met with the amazing structures the school held. 

I could not stop smiling. This was my dream. To go to college and keep learning. I was over the moon with excitement. But it did not take long before for that excitement to be washed off. 

While staring in awe at the buildings before me, my eyes flashed to a girl who made my skin crawl. It was none other than my brother's mistress. 

I can't remember everything she was wearing but the colors were so bright and quite frankly, they didn't compliment each other. 

I knew she wanted trouble. I could see it in her eyes but I also knew that I did not want to get into trouble on my first day in school. Sighing softly, I moved away from her direction trying to ignore her but trouble always never wants to be left alone.

From my side eye, I saw her and her friends running towards me and I heaved another sigh. 

"What now?" I said to myself as they stood before me. I could smell their cheap perfume and it reminded me of how badly I used to love such perfumes. At that point, I did not need anyone to tell me that these girls had nothing to their name but they held their shoulders high enough to fool anyone who could not see through them. 

"Well well well, look who it is," she said with a coy smile on her face and I sighed in exhaustion.

"You know you have some nerves to show your face here. Tell me, how does it feel to have a brother who is so smart, talented and handsome when you are just a clumsy fat ass." She mocked me and I kept quiet while trying to walk away. 

"Bitch," before I could say a word, she grabbed me by the arm and dragged me back. "You do not walk out on me. I own this place. I am in charge here and you will play my tunes." I could hear the spite in her voice as she spoke. "If you think that the nonsense you did at my man's apartment was not painful, then you are oddly mistaken. But not to worry, what I plan to do to you in this school will make you regret ever living." 

When she addressed Daniel as her man, I felt my blood boiling. My head exploded at how she could address Daniel as her man. 

"He is not your man!" I blurted out angrily, not bothered about what the consequences of my words would be but immediately I said those words, I almost wished I didn't. My blood ran cold at the looks on their faces and suddenly the whole place seemed to have gone quiet. 

"What did you just say to me?" She seethed and my eyes widened as I saw her lift her hand. I closed my eyes, waiting for the slap that was about to land on my face but rather, I felt her turn me around and push me fully to the wall.

"You little witch. By the time I am done with you, you will regret ever living!" She shrieked as she began to tie my hands. I felt the cold grasp of the rope around me and suddenly my heart began to pound and I could feel pines of sweat dropping from my forehead. My heart began to race but somehow, my mouth could not mutter any words. The saliva in them had dried up due to fear of what she wanted to do to me 

The girl showed no mercy. Ruthlessly, she tied my hands together and then advanced to tie my entire body. Somehow, I broke out of the shock I was in and I screamed 

"Help! Somebody help me!" I continued screaming as loudly as I could but either they could not hear me or they were so scared of her that no one could help me. 

"Help!" Still I persisted but my next words were sealed off by the duct tape they placed on my lips.

"Now you are going to regret what you just said." She said angrily as she dragged me to the hall. 

I could feel my sandals slipping off my feet and the hot floor burning against my fragile skin as they dragged me to the entrance of the hall and they pinned me to a wall. My back landed on the wall violently and the pain gushed through my entire body. 

But with the pain I felt, I struggled to break free but nothing I did could stop them. They looked small but they had the strength of a hulk and they held me down securely. 

"This will teach you to watch your mouth around me!" Susan said as she grabbed her lipstick and drew it all over my face. 

There was no mirror around but I knew that with her red lipstick on my face, I looked like the joker. I felt devastated and broken. How could someone be so cruel? I tried to hold back my tears even when I knew that they were still falling but as they fell, it did not help to soothe the ache and fear in my heart. 

"Little slut!" She murmured as she wrote that on my forehead. The giggles of her friends overshadowed the tears that fell from my face. 

But my tears meant nothing to them because with evil laughter, they ripped my clothes off my body and I felt totally naked. 

"Move!" Susan said angrily as she opened the door and pushed me into the room full of Freshers and it dawned on me where I was. 

I stood in front of a room filled with students and in less than a minute, I heard the outbursts of laughter and saw the mocking pointing of fingers. 

My hands were tied behind my back and I could not even move them to cover up myself nor could I run. At that point, I allowed the tears to fall freely.

It was my first day in school and they had already gone out of their way to make it the worst day. 

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Susan said in a loud voice. "Allow me to introduce you to the newest slut in this college. Trust me, she is a cheap prostitute that will collect anything just to suck your dick. After all, just look at how she is dressed!" She said mockingly and laughed. 

Their laughter all died down when the door bursted open. 

"Susan!" It was the voice of my step brother and he was angry but I didn't care much for it. I was already on the ground, shattered and crying my eyes out while wishing that the floor would open up and swallow me. 

The next thing I felt was his jacket that covered my nakedness. 

"Daniel," Susan said in a soft voice and bent over to touch him. 

"Don't you dare!" He said angrily and stood up

"So you're telling me that you actually have the audacity to touch my sister and you think you will get away with it?!" His voice was low and threatening and from the corner of my eye, I could see Susan shivering. 

He grabbed the microphone from her and faced the crowd.

"Let me say this one last time, if any one in this room ever touches her again, I promise you, you will be met with a slow and painful death." He threatened them and carried me into his arms while I squeezed harder into his chest as we left the hall. 

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