
Chapter 4

The news that the Ward family was going to ally themselves with the Hunt family shocked the entire city of Estburg.

The engagement banquet between the two families had started, and they became the topic of discussion that was filled with envy and jealousy.

In accordance with the Ward family’s protocols to reduce unnecessary problems, the engagement would be something simple. They would share a meal, and the engagement would be done.

They made a booking at a luxurious hotel for the occasion.

At the seven-star hotel in Estburg.

“When you see him later, be more proactive. Make him like you as much as possible, you hear?” Melinda kept on mumbling into Eden’s ear when they were on their way to the hotel.

Eden simply rested her back on the seat, her eyes half-closed. She didn’t respond to Melinda at all.

“I’m talking to you! Take this seriously!”

Melinda didn’t like how Eden was acting like a hooligan. Every time Melinda spoke to Eden, she felt her anger burning. “If you’re still going to act this way in front of him and mess up your wedding, you’ll have to go back to the countryside, and you can also forget about your grandmother’s treatment! So, you better listen to what I have to say. I’m not joking with you.”

Melinda felt that the relationship between her and her daughter was like fire and water.

She would always make her angry.

Eden turned and looked at Melinda with frosty eyes, but the irritation on her face was very visible. She took out a black earphone from her backpack and then said with a bitter voice, “Why don’t you marry him, then?”

“What’s with that attitude...”

Melinda was just about to scold her when Eden growled, “If you’re not, then shut the hell up!”

She was so noisy!

Eden put her earphones on and maxed out the volume on her phone, ignoring Melinda.

Melinda could only feel her chest burning out of anxiety and rage.

Eden saw how Melinda’s mouth was opening and closing with an angry expression out of the corner of her eye before she turned her attention away in indifference.

Jasmine was sitting in the passenger’s seat as she glanced at Eden from the rear-view mirror. She said nothing but smiled.

The Hunt family had to be at the engagement banquet earlier than the Ward family.

When Eden and others had arrived, Catherine and the rest of the family were already there.

They were all sitting straight and properly, and it was obvious they had also worked hard to look their best.

Despite the rumors about Alain’s face being destroyed, the Hunt family still didn’t dare to show any disrespect.

The Ward family could easily erase the Hunt family with a wave of their hand. The Hunt family’s decision to change the wedding candidate without informing the other side was a potential cause for Alain’s anger. Any breach in their etiquette could spell disaster for the entire family.

The moment Eden stepped through the door, Catherine instantly stood up when she saw what Eden was wearing. The wrath on her face was visible to all. “You fool! Who told you to come here dressed like that?!”

Eden was still wearing her cheap black hoodie and her black baseball cap.

Catherine turned to Melinda and shrieked, “Are you blind? Don’t you know what kind of occasion this is? You let her come here dressed like that? Are you trying to ruin the entire family?!”

Melinda was already quite fearful of Catherine. As she roared, Melinda instinctively shuddered. “I already bought her a dress, but she refused to change into it no matter what. You know I didn’t raise her, so she refuses to listen to whatever I say.”

Melinda was already cursing Eden out on the inside a thousand times over.

No matter how Melinda threatened her or enticed her, Eden refused to change into the dress. Edmund didn’t want to make it difficult for Eden, so he didn’t force the issue as well.

But she couldn’t say that Edmund had a hand in it too when she was in front of Catherine, so all she could do was to take it all in.

“Make her change into her dress right now.”

Catherine, still surrounded by an aura of assertiveness, looked at the time. “We’re running out of time. The Ward family is going to be here any minute... Let’s see. Daliah and Eden are about the same height. Take them to the washroom and switch their outfits.”

“Grandma, I don’t want to!” Daliah stomped, nearly crying out in anger.

She’d rather be murdered than humiliated like that. How could she allow a girl from some backwater village to change into her dress?

“You don’t want to?” Catherine glared at her. “Can you bear the consequences of upsetting the Ward family?”

“I...” Daliah bit her lips. She felt angry and victimized, so all she could do was glare at Eden.

Catherine simply looked at her calmly and said, “If you can bear all the consequences, you can choose not to change.”

While Daliah was a little conceited, she was no fool.

They couldn’t afford to upset the Ward family.

If they upset the Ward family just because she refused to change out of her dress, then she would become the Hunt family’s scapegoat.

She wrestled with her emotions for quite a while before directing a vicious gaze toward Eden and said, “Let’s go and switch our outfits now.”

Eden had had her hands inside her pocket from the moment she entered the door. She stood there with a stony expression, looking at the drama between the Hunt family unfolding.

However, she had had enough and simply walked to the table and sat down with her back against the chair’s backrest in a relaxed manner. Then, she said casually, “I’m not going.”

The moment she said that, Melinda immediately erupted. “Eden! Don’t test my limits!”

Melinda was already feeling angered after what she had gone through with Catherine earlier. When Eden refused to play along, her disguise as a proper lady immediately collapsed. “The reason I brought you here and arranged the best hospital for your grandmother isn’t for you to get me into trouble! I’m warning you, change right now, or I’ll immediately stop your grandmother’s treatment!”

Eden suddenly turned and looked at her, her eyes filled with redness and wrath. She slowly stood up, her calm expression hiding the tranquil fury underneath it. “Do not threaten me using my grandmother ever again!”

Melinda was shocked by how Eden was glaring at her and almost stumbled and fell.

How could she have such terrifying eyes?

“What’s going on?” Edmund didn’t come to the hotel with Eden and the others. He had to settle something else halfway through and left. When he finally made it there, he realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere inside the private room and asked about it.

Daliah was already quite upset with Eden and told Edmund about everything that had happened.

“It’s fine, Mom! I’m the one who allowed Eden to wear whatever she wanted.” Edmund walked over to Eden and tapped her shoulder before turning toward Catherine. She has never lived with our family and knows little about upper-class etiquette. You can’t expect her to pick up all the social protocols instantly. We will teach her slowly in time.”

Catherine stared at him and said in an icy tone, “What do you mean? Today is the engagement banquet between her and the eldest son of the Ward family. What do you think will happen to the reputation of our family?”

“When you’ve reached a height like the Ward family, you’ll care little about such details,” Edmund said before looking at the time. “The Ward family is almost here. Take a seat. If we’re still standing around in chaos, we’ll really become a joke to them.”

“That’s right, Grandma. She’s just arrived in Estburg and knows little about these things. So, let’s not force her. Since she is replacing me...”

Jasmine, who hadn’t said a word since she came in, walked over to Catherine and wrapped her hands around Catherine’s arm with a gentle smile. “I’ll help her get used to our lifestyle after this, alright? For my sake, let’s stop criticizing her, alright?”

The moment Jasmine opened her mouth, Catherine began to calm down. After thinking for a while, she chose not to pursue the matter anymore. “Fine, then. Take your seats.”

Once everyone in the Hunt family took their seats, Eden lifted her gaze and glanced at Jasmine.

It was a look of interest.

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