
Chapter forty-six

Jill's POV

After Charlie left I sat at the coffee shop for probably at least two hours, just pondering what I could do to help.

If I actually could or should do anything to help.

Not knowing what to do, I sent a text to the only person who was still my friend.


Shit. Is this a good idea?

Probably not, but I wanna try and help anyway that I can.

15 minutes go by before Alex finally shows up.

"Jilly beans, what's up?"

"I saw Char today. We had coffee and she told me about what's been going on. About Killian."

"Okay? Is that why you texted me? Because you found out she and David have a son?"

"No, asswipe. I texted you because I wanna help them. I know, I know. You think I should stay out of it and my my own business. BUT we know them better than anyone. We can help them Alex. Honestly I think they're meant to be together. I noticed the way he used to look at her, he's loved her from the second

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