
Chapter 38. Death


The noise of the gunshot echoed in the room, loudly. This time it was not Jon that had fired, it was Officer Duke. He held a large shotgun between his hands.

Gargoyle Judy fell in a heap on top of Ella as the blood began to leak from her neck. It oozed a dark green, as it she was an alien.

Ella struggled under the weight.

Officer Duke and Jon dragged Judy off Ella and onto the floor where she growled and tried to pick herself up. The green slimy blood messed their clothes , the floor and the bed. It smelled foul and Ella gagged.

Ella sat up and took in deep breaths. She looked at officer Duke, noticing the gash on his forehead.

The bandage was removed from her hand but there were other bruises on her arms from the wicked attack.

Ella knew that officer Duke was the wolf earlier that night.

He took crossed the room in a few long strides and soon he was next to her examining her hands.

He looked at her suspiciously but Ella stayed composed," I had fended off Judy as long as I coul
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