


Several Hours Later

"Ahh.."I moaned out in pain ,my head was banging,everything and everywhere hurt. I attempted looking around to see where I was,it was totally dark,moist and cold.

“ Where am I?” I asked out loud, still feeling a little dizzy.I looked down at my ankle,it was chained with silver,so even if I could shift right now,I couldn't because of the silver. Looking around there were girls like me here and some males also,they looked about my age or older but there was one thing that was similar,they were all omegas like me and immediately it made me recall what I was forgetting as my head rang in pain.

"Jasper!!, Jasper!!" I yelled out,looking for him trying to break out of this cursed chain to find him. I was worried about him and the weeping from the other omegas did not help me think,was he safe?,how was he?,was he in danger?,I wondered..the last thing I remember was getting slapped,punched and thrown around the room...well that wasn't helpful,I muttered to myself.I pray he was somewhere safe and sound.

The metal door creaked open as two men from the smell,who were werewolves, walked in. They glanced around,satisfied with the tremble and fear they other omegas showed.

“ Who should I pick today?”,they walked around like they were playing a game and they enjoyed every bit of it.

"Will it be you? Or no you? Or you?"the skinnish tall one sang, from behind as every omega he pointed to ,anxiously and furiously stepped back in panic. What was this place? ..Where was I?.

They two men finally agreed on a female omega with black hair and brown eyes. She screamed and begged,furiously trying to break out of their hold,till eventually they dragged her out the metal door and slammed it shut.

" What are they going to do with her?" I asked out loud, to no one to be exact,terrified from what I had seen and witnessed knowing fully well that could have been me,I shivered at the thought.

A girl close to me,chained as well with tired blue eyes,blonde hair that was covered in dirt,and dirty sack like clothes.

"They are going to break her,then torment her,torture her..and if she's lucky..kill her.." she replied staring right at me,she looked about my age but her eyes..were soul less,cold..and almost lifeless. I trembled,chewing down on my lower lip as I stared at her.

"You're scared..well you should be..after all hell awaits you.." she said, chuckling dryly before looking away from me.

3 Hours Later..

I didn't realize when I had dozed off,but I woke up to the screaming and begging from the outside of the metal door.

“Please I beg you..ah..ugh...stop please.." the voice cried out,I recognized it as the woman from earlier,what were they doing to her,why did everyone seem used to it. I could hear panting,the smell of arousal of male wolves and of an omega shewolf was in the air. It was unpleasant to imagine what they were doing to her...the erotic sounds didn't end anytime soon,it was long and hard accompanied by her screaming,until suddenly and unexpectedly it ended,no more screams nor panting..nothing..rather than ease my tension,it only made my fear and terror heighten up. I imagined they would slam the door open and drag me away and I would be next.I hugged my knees close to my chest,eyes wide open,I needed to stay awake I told myself as I fearfully watched the steel door..all night..without sleep..

It was somewhere in between,I had dozed off from pushing my body to it's weak limit.I heard the metal door open,the two men from yesterday walked in. An evil scowl plastered on their faces in the form of a smile,as they watched us.

"The last one was too weak,that ungrateful slut" the larger one spat out, before they two joined together laughing like a pack of hyenas rather than wolves. The sound of their laughter clawing at my skin drenching me in cold sweat as my hair on my back stood. I was terrified for myself and for what Jasper could be going through.

They walked closer,closer towards me as the other omegas immediately gave way,stop, don't come any closer please ,I wanted to beg but they stopped moving towards in front of the female omega who had spoken to me earlier.

"She fits the bill,we will probably make a decent amount off of her'',the slim one chuckled forcefully dragging her by the hair to look at him,he chuckled yet again.

" It seems we got a fighter" he added,as he laughed out loud,pulling her hair tighter and harder. She moaned out, a little in pain but her blue cold eyes didn't leave his for a second,her wolf was trying to break free from the way her canines hung out but sadly couldn't because of the silver wrapped around her neck,ankles and hands but she didn't for once seem afraid but remained fearless with deep unhinged hatred.

" Burn in hell, you evil dog like bastard pig" she screamed, and almost immediately lunged at him with remarkable speed. He didn't see it coming and wasn't prepared for it. She aimed for his throat holding a silver sharp metal scrap,her eyes ruthless,strong,empty but yet ready..without resistance..she was so close when I heard gunshot and the next thing I knew she was down on the floor like a dog put down,she was dead..right in front of me. Her blood sipped out on the cement floor from the hole in her head towards me,I tried stepping back but stumbled falling on my knees as I felt her blood under me.

I watched her, she was dead..really dead..but yet the look in her eyes and the strange smile on her face,she seemed relieved and glad..I shivered but knew I didn't have time to cry in fear nor terror.

" That crazy bitch..fuck!!" the slim man that had almost had his neck stabbed into,if not for his companion,cursed.

" You almost died deepshit ,if I didn't react fast enough to save you and kill that we have to clean up this mess,damn it!!" the bulky man said, cursing out.

The omegas were whimpering in fear. Some had a mental breakdown but I didn't do either,I just stared..watching their every move,watching the corpse..not that I wanted to,I just couldn't look away even when I wanted to..

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