


I don't know how long had passed,but I think I had begun to understand how things worked around here and gotten to know more of the Omegas, their stories and had grown closer to them.

They two men came in twice a day to either give bread and water or take someone away and whoever was taken never returned. You could still hear their screams every night,no one knew exactly what they were doing to them but we all had one knew where we were and soon one knew how long had passed or the date or day.

With a room with no windows,it was dark,moist and cold with an overbearing stench of urine,rot and decay. It didn't help that I had a heightened sense of smell as a werewolf but as time went on,with nothing to do you would have to grow used to it.

We were given a small steel bucket to do our business in it . It was disgusting..and many times I had hoped to die, cursed my father and wondered why I should even keep living,if these was how my life would end, but I knew and told myself that i needed to hold on to find my dear brother,I choked with my own tears as I imagined Jasper right next to me,as I stared at a little boy just across of me,who looked terrified and looked around Jasper's age.

I was sure it was a hallucination,it wouldn't be the first since I had been in here and trust me,when I say staying in a dark room with no light and little to no food or water and being in constant terror of what next could happen to you or not knowing how long had passed with you being in here could screw up with a person's head and do a lot of things to a person. I knew I was slowly losing my mind.

It took me back to the earlier days when Jasper had just been born. I had watched him grow up,I could still remember a boy who held my hand for support the first time he began to walk,the boy who muttered my name.. being his very first words,who would call for me to just hold him,anytime I wasn't beside him when he woke up when he was little. For as long as I could remember, it had only been the two of us,our mother was too weak and fragile to protect us from our abusive father and her abusive mate even if she tried to. For as long as I can remember we could only trust and only had each other,he was my ground..the only thing that kept me holding on and moving, without him..without knowing what he was going through,it broke my heart. I sobbed, wiping my teary eyes to stop the tears.

The metal door clicked open,they two men always walked in but this time with another man, whom I had never seen come in here before.

"Hurry up and pick,we don't have all day" the slim man said, who from their conversations so far, I had learnt his name was Ricardo,he said to the new man I hadn't seen before.

"Bastard,you should be grateful, I'm paying good money",the strange man replied, sounding annoyed but still looking around and walking closer.

"Yeah,yeah...anyway hurry up,it stinks in here.." Ricardo stated, looking a little pissed off,showing a disgusted look and covering his nose.

"Stop being such a pup" the bulky man said, chuckling, while mocking his partner.

Please leave..go away...I muttered in my thoughts,holding my head down to my knees.The new man was coming closer,he looked around like he was looking for something and would forcely lift some omegas faces, to see them clearer before throwing them back down. He was coming closer as the sound of his shoes grew louder and closer before stopping..towards me.

"Lift your head," he said. His voice was cold as he ordered…was he talking to me.. I trembled..what should I do? I felt my heart pounding and could barely get my thoughts in order,cold sweat washed over me.

" Bitch,hurry up and lift your head,as I said" his voice rang again ,this time with a threat and warning,I bit down on my lower lip. I didn't want to but before I could react or pull my head up,I felt a hand in my brown hair,pulling it harshly. I whined in looking up at him.

He pulled me closer by dragging me by the hair,stopping close to my face and then grabbing me by the chin, forcefully turning my head around to view more of my face.

I felt goosebumps crawl all over my skin as my stomach turned the wrong way in the thought of what could happen to me,if I left with this perverted wolf.

No, I needed to escape.I needed to get outside that metal door,maybe if I could...I could make it out of here and could find Jasper,trying to devise a plan my thoughts were running wild in overdrive.

"I'll take this one",he grabbed my jaw turning me towards the other men. I glared at him and shook my head out of his grip.

"Looks like she's a feisty one",he chuckled.

"You'll just have to break her,now hurry up. I can't handle this stench anymore,disgusting" Ricardo replied, looking at me with an evil smile.

"Oh,I will and will enjoy every minute of it" the perverted wolf said, while licking his lips".

The bulky man walked towards me,pulling the chains off and unlocking the locks.

"Eva, can you hear me,wake up Eva!!" I screamed mentally to my wolf,hoping she could hear I wasn't chained to silver.

“ head hurts,how long have I been out,where are we?" Eva,my wolf growled moodily,I chuckled not realizing how much I missed her .

"That's not important right now,I'll explain everything later but right now we need to escape and find jasper”I said to her, in my mind as I was dragged off the ground harshly.I kept walking quietly waiting for the right opportunity and timing to strike and as he walked in front of me..distracted..I pounced on him.

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