


I jumped on him,he seemed surprised not expecting my move as I bared my claws into his skin,taking advantage of his pain, I used my small frame to flip him over.

The two other men glanced at each other stunned,but immediately snapping out of it and moved towards me . I knew I couldn't fight with either of them head on,it was clear suicide and they bastards knew it too as they smirked at me. I didn't think this through,I cursed under my breath as I warily glanced at the large two figures stalking towards me. I knew I would lose but wasn't willing to go down without a fight as I growled at them...knowing I was outnumbered, until I heard someone scream out.

"Grab them!!" one of the female omegas shouted out, I glanced at her. She looked older than me with a scar on her temple. She lunged herself in the air at the two men,her chains rattling with her movements as she grabbed Ricardo by the leg.

Immediately,the other omegas did the same,grabbing them and clawing at them.

"Let out you insects!!" the bulky man yelled.

I stood there stunned as I listened to their screams and struggles as they were ripped apart inch by inch with their blood splattering everywhere.

“We need to escape now, footsteps are coming this way" Eva said in my mind,they must have heard the screams and those two bastards must have mind linked them.

I gazed at the blood bath and shivered before finally snapping out of it,grabbing the keys that had fallen to the floor,I began unlocking the silver chains,and when everyone has been unchained,I spoke

"Come with me"

I mouthed out to the other omegas,who were still stained with blood,letting them know that freedom was finally here. We could run,we could finally escape but they didn't move,they didn't attempt to follow me. They just stood there.

"We don't have a reason to go on..we have lost and seen just too should go ,they others are coming",the female omega who had attacked first,refuted. I noticed how her eyes flashed with memories as everyone else nodded...they had made their choice.

"But..",I wanted to insist ,this was crazy,if I left them behind but I didn't wouldn't work. I realized they were ready to die,they were tired of life,they had lost a reason to leave..when I stared into their eyes.

I knew that exact cold look in their eyes,I had seen it before in my mother's eyes before she died,that exact look in that female wolf who had been the first to speak to me before she gladly died..their eyes were soulless ,cold and tired.

"So go,We have nothing to live for. Omegas will always be abused and treated as slaves in this Park,there is no escape..we have all learnt it the hard way,we have watched our mothers,fathers, brothers,sisters. ..mates and even our....children die right in front of us,but you have something to live thank you for reminding us, that we should fight to the very get out of here.."she said, with a light smile,I hesitated leaving.

“They are getting closer," Eva warned, reminding me .

I ran to the door hurriedly,glancing behind me one last time at the people I had grown to know. They weren't family,but we had experienced something that brought us together and that had bonded us,we had shared the same pain and experiences together, I had gotten to know their stories and we have gotten to know each other, while I was here, each having a tale of their own. I was thankful to them but I knew once I left through that door never would I see them again.

"Good bye.." and with that I ran out through the metal door,leaving them there behind,I pushed my tears back and ran as fast as I could towards the opposite direction of where the footsteps were coming from.

As I kept running, I could hear it all,the growls,painful howling but I didn't stop,I kept running,kept moving..finally in relief I saw a ray of light from above peaking through. There was a rusty old ladder nearby,I felt my heart pound faster at the thought of finally seeing the sun..seeing the sky...finally being free.

With every step,freedom felt so close. I pushed off the wooden hatch,then climbed out...pulling myself up.

The windy air hit me as I stared at the evening sky with joy and appreciation. I never really had realized how beautiful it was before,I didn't realize the emotions I had been pushing back as tears threatened to fall.

I fell to the ground feeling the grass under my feet,breathing in new air greedily ,there was no house in sight but was hard to believe..just outside of that underground hellhole were flowers and grasses. I sighed,knowing I needed to keep moving..I got up..hearing footsteps coming closer,approching me and a new scent in the air,but before I could react,I was drugged with a white handkerchief roughly placed on my nose and mouth looking behind me,I saw a man smiling at me with a grin..well..Fuck Me..and with that I fell unconscious.

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