

Eddie froze midway through her facade as she frowned and pouted her lips at Bruce. "Such a grumpy man. He can't even feed a pregnant lady who is in pain," She complained with a sneer on her lips. "I know that I am not pregnant but what if I was pregnant for him?! Could this have been the way he would have ignored me like I am a nobody all in the name of he is sleepy and tired?"

Eddie rolled her eyes. "Douchebag!" She cussed him and sighed. "Goodness! I have to think of something really quick." She thought as she averted her gaze to his broad back that was faced against her.

A few moments later_

"Oww!!" A loud cry erupted In the room. "I need water, please. My belly is hurting so bad! Our baby is in danger,"

The annoying cry pierced into Bruce's ears and he grumbled. "The heck is she up to now?" He almost yelled out.

Shutting his eyes tightly, he remembered that damned man who forced him to do this. " Doctor Miles, I will make sure you pay for making me pass through this hel
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