
OMG! Substitute Mummy Is A Little Too Sweet!
OMG! Substitute Mummy Is A Little Too Sweet!
Author: BlueWhaleWeaver

Substitute Mother.

Bruce Yates calmly slid the contract papers across his desk towards Stacy.

"Sign these to become a substitute mother to my daughter. In return, I will increase your salary without requiring you to come to the office as a staff and also give you anything you request as long as you agree to my proposal,” He proposed expressionlessly.

Stacy, with astonishment in her amber eyes, hesitated as she clutched the office documents she was about to deliver to him close to her chest.

Stuttering, she asked with surprise in her voice, "B-but…why? It's all so..."

"Sudden?” Bruce Yates completed, raising his perfectly styled eyebrows at Stacy who had a shocked look on her gorgeous face.

Bruce Yates could have easily gotten someone better. But he knew there was no one more promising than Stacy Hills.

Why her?

Cause he wants the best mother for his six-year-old daughter and he was sure Stacy Hills was competent to be a substitute mother to her.

"Do you agree to this contract or not?” He pressed and Stacy's eyes stretched wide open, her heartbeat racing painfully against her ribcage.

Should she accept or reject the proposal? She didn't know.

But it's funny that what seemed more important to her was Bruce Yates looking intensely at her with his stormy grey eyes and cold expression. She found it charming that she didn't realize she had been staring at him for far too long

"Oh God, please just open up the ground so can escape into it. God those eyes! He should stop before I lose my balance,” Stacy shut her eyes, clutching the files closer to her chest, and feeling her knees feeble a little.

If it were allowed then Stacy would love to be lost in the storm of his eyes. But why and what was stopping her from doing so?

Bruce Yates stared deeply at Stacy. She looked to be having an inner conversation rather than actually replying to his questions. He squinted his eyes at her, his mind fighting its own battle.

"If you don't want the contract or if you feel you are not ready for it then I won't force you, Stacy Hills,” A small smile tugged at the side of Bruce Yates's thin lips as he looked at the young, shy, and beautiful lady before him.

Stacy felt butterflies fluttering all around her tummy by the little smile Bruce Yates gave her.

Bruce sighed raggedly. Then as he was massaging his temples, he turned his gaze back to her.

"You're not going to say anything?” He asked huskily.

Stacy shook her head. "N-no. I have nothing to say, Sir.”

"Hmm,” He sighed thoughtfully. "Fair enough. Take some time and think about this proposal. You have from now till two days time to agree to it. I'm not forcing you though. It's fine if you can't do it. I'll find someone else. Maybe a nanny will be fine,” He gave her a full smile.

"Sure. I'll let you know my decision by today or tomorrow,” Stacy muttered and bit her lower lip nervously. She wasn't sure if she could do it especially when it meant she would have to live under the same roof with the same man she had been having a secret crush on for months.

"Keep the files here, then you can take your leave.” He pointed at the side of his desk.

Stacy quickly kept the files she had with her where Bruce Yates had pointed and hurried off.


Stacy almost ran past the door and felt her whole body freeze at his command.

Closing her eyes tightly, Stacy dragged her feet slowly, turning to face him.

"Ahh!” she yelped, her body suddenly pressed against the wall, trapped between Bruce Yates's towering and massive body build.

She felt his finger pressed on her lips, silencing her from any further screams.

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