
Chapter 094


"Laura?..." I echoed, trying to piece together the fragments of information this Richard guy just shared with everyone. Judging by Keith's reaction, it was someone close. Someone they all were familiar with, believed to be dead, and now alive.

The room seemed to buzz with tension as everyone's attention shifted to Keith.

Keith's face turned pale, and he seemed momentarily paralyzed. His mother, Eleanor, stepped in, her voice steady and firm, attempting to take control of the situation. "Richard, are you certain that she was the one you saw? Where did you see her?"

Richard nodded vigorously. "Yes, I'm sure." Richard then turned to Keith, "You remember you told me to get intel? Well, this is one of them."

"I got feedback, along with these photos. It appears that she lives with Leonard. We haven't found out how it became possible yet but she doesn't seem forced." Richard explained further. l, taking out the pictures he had tucked away in his pocket.

Keith finally seemed to sna
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