
1- Never To Return (WNLYG)

“Mama! Mama! Please open the door.” Her face was wet with tears. Outside, it was pouring like cats and dogs. She again knocked the door with full force. The doorbell was either not working or it was switched off intentionally.

  “Papa! Please, papa!” She again knocked while clutching a thirty days old baby girl to her chest.

She again started knocking the door like crazy. This time she did not stop. The continuous banging did have the desired effect and the door opened with a little screeching sound.

Her father Anthony Aaron was standing there with an expressionless face.

“Papa. Please, don’t ditch me. I need you. I don’t have anyone in my life except you people.”

The man moved aside quietly and opened the door wider. It was a silent permission to let her come inside.

Her grip around the baby tightened. With the back of the other hand, she wiped her wet cheeks.

“We are allowing you to enter because we can’t let our neighbors know what you did.”

When she raised her face in confusion, her mom Kate Aaron, who was standing near the staircase shook her head, “Seriously? Do you still need answers, Em? You vanished for one year, Em. For one full year, we did not know your whereabouts. And now you are back with this bast*ard baby!”

“Mom!” Emerald called her pleadingly. Her step-sister was standing there above the staircase.

Cassandra Aaron!

Her biggest rival.

Cassandra was born right after one year of adopting Emerald.

Both the sisters never shared a good relationship. Emerald was adopted when the couple could not have the luck of having a baby for three years.

The day Emerald turned one, her mom’s pregnancy test turned positive. As a result, Cassandra was there on Emerald’s second birthday.

And then the jealousy and rivalry started. Emerald’s achievements, her beauty, and her boyfriends. Everything evoked more conflict among the sisters.

Cassandra was always in competition with her adopted sister.

“Right now she must be happy.” Emerald thought to herself, “At last, her wish is being fulfilled. They are not only kicking me out but are also quite happy to strip me of my family name.”

“Papa. Mama. Why are you doing this? Because I am adopted?” She asked confronting them boldly.

“Shut up!” Her mom came near her, “Just shut the fuck up. Even if Cassandra will do something like this, she will get the same treatment. It’s just that she always followed rules and you are the one who always broke them.”

The baby in her arms stirred a little from all the noise. Emerald rocked the baby and eyed her parents with an open mouth not believing her ears.

“You tarnish our name. Our family name! And you expect us to welcome you with open arms? That too with this little…”

“Stop it, Mama. Please.” She pleaded, “I am your daughter. Don’t do this to me.”

“You want to come back to us?” Her father spoke for the first time, “Then leave this little piece of shame outside the door. This baby…”

“Please, papa.” She clutched the baby tightly to her chest to protect her from all the vile words her family was throwing her way.

“I give a shit about this little minx.” He hissed, “Leave her. Or…” He moved closer, “If you are so worried then I can do you a favor. I can call social services so that they can take away the baby. Easy peasy! You will be our daughter. Again!”

Emerald Julie Aaron could not believe it. He was the same father who gave her piggy rides. Gave her a comfortable lifestyle. Always celebrated her achievements.

This man used to favor her… in front of her mom and his real daughter.

Tonight, he was acting unreasonable.

She again eyed her sister Cassandra.

“You must be over the moon, sister. That’s what you always wanted. See! Today he is not siding with me.”

She knew she sounded bitter. But did she have a choice? Cassandra did not shoot back any insults.

And Emerald did not give a damn. Picking up the small baby bag which contained the baby’s essentials, she fixed the strap on her shoulders and turned to leave the house.

When she was about to turn the door handle, she heard her father, “Before you step outside… Just do remember. Once you are out of this house. You are out of our lives. You will not have the option to return to us.”

Trying to swallow her tears, she turned slowly to face her father, “Don’t worry.” She spoke softly, “I am NOT Anthony Aaron. Like him … I will never abandon my daughter.”

Leaving them surprised, she stepped outside and closed the door behind her.


The rain had turned into drizzling now.

 The baby still clutched to her chest, stirred a little. 

“Don’t worry, sweetheart.” She started to rock the baby and gave a pacifier in her mouth, “Mama, would never leave you.”

 She was trying to look for a shed. Where she could keep herself and her baby safe from the rain.

 The baby needed a bottle and was suckling on the pacifier making strange sounds.

Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Inhaling sharply, in terror thinking that it might be a passerby trying to take advantage, she turned around and took a sigh of relief, “Gosh, Patricia. What are you doing here?”

Her childhood friend Patricia, who was also her next-door neighbor, was standing there. Putting a finger on her lips, she asked Emerald silently to stay quiet and follow her.

 And she did. The baby had gone to sleep by now.

Once she entered her house. She asked her in a whisper, “Isn’t your aunt home?”

Patricia shook her head and asked her silently to sit on the couch.

“What was this commotion about, Emerald? What happened? Is everything alright? Your old man was shouting at the top of his lungs. Whose baby is it?”

Patricia bombarded her with questions. Emerald was quiet. She was tired of crying now. She raised her head with tear-stained cheeks and looked straight into Patricia’s eyes.

“Cia. I know you are tight on your budget. I am aware that you have got a strict aunt. But we need shelter... Just for tonight.”

Was it pleading in her voice?

 Patricia was a darling soul. Her only motto for everyone, for every relation, was no questions asked... no judgments.

“So… You want a place to live? Will it be ok if you get a job in San Francisco?”

“Right now anything would do, Patricia.”

Patricia fished out her phone from her pocket and started scrolling it, “I think, Emerald. You are right on time. I was offered a job in San Francisco by my longtime friend Abigail Levisay and her husband Hunter Levisay. They need a governess, for their one year old twin daughters. The couple has already hired an experienced governess. They will divide the duties. Right now they are your best bet.”

Patricia was speaking while typing some message on her phone, “Can you manage to fly to San Francisco? The couple is a darling and will go to any length to help you.”

 Emerald closed her eyes and leaned her head on the back of the couch, “Patricia, I don’t have enough money for the flight.”

“Don’t worry, Em. We can even request Abigail to help. Once you get your salary just return them the money.”

Patricia started punching a number on her phone and waited for the call to be picked up.

She needed to get Emerald out of here before her aunt returned from work. 

Well! Her aunt was not a bad woman but she was very particular about her reputation.

She started dialing the number again and went to the kitchen to fetch some bagels for Emerald.

“Here. Eat it. You need your energy.” Putting the phone beside her, she frowned, “I am calling her at this ungodly hour. Of course, she must be sleeping. I think we need to wait till morning.”

“Right now this baby needs her bottle, Em.” Just then, the baby lying on the couch started wailing.

 Emerald at once opened the baby bag and started making the formula milk. The baby got quiet when the ni**ple slipped into her mouth.

Patricia’s mind was working fast. She needed some time before her aunt returned.

Just when they both were quiet. Too busy in their thoughts, they heard a knock on the door.

Patricia went to the door and opened it.

 When Emerald’s eyes fell on the person who paid this unexpected visit, she was shocked.

What are YOU doing here?”

She never shared a friendly relationship with her sister Cassandra. Cassandra used to bully her. Used to blame her for things she never did.

“I am here to give you this.” Cassandra extended her hand carrying a heavy manila envelope.

Instead of reaching out to take it, Emerald eyed her sister’s face curiously.

“Take it, Emerald.”

 Emerald was still trying to decipher if Cassandra was being sincere or was trying to manipulate her as usual.

Taking a deep breath, Cassandra held her sister’s hand and made her sit back on the couch.

“Look, Em. I know I had been a horrible younger sister. And I am sorry for that. But right now you need this money. Take it and fly to San Francisco. This should be enough to get you a ticket and few necessities for ... th ... this baby ... girl.”

Emerald could not trust her. How could she? 

Was it a scheme to tarnish her reputation further?

Cassandra did realize what she was thinking.

“Do Mama and Papa know about it, Cassandra?” There were doubts in Emerald’s voice.

Cassandra knew where she was coming from. But she could not undo the past.

“I...” she chuckled, “I just sneaked out of my bedroom window. You know how good I am at doing that.”

 There was a proud smile on Cassandra’s face. Emerald could not help it when an unexpected grin broke on her lips.

“Cassandra. Seriously?” 

Cassandra eyed the tiny bundle sleeping again after finishing the bottle, “What is her name, Em? Or you haven’t decided it yet?” Emerald heaved a sigh and closed her eyes tiredly.

 “No, I could not come up with any name.”

“Can I? ...  I mean... If you don’t mind It, Emerald.”

A lone, tear escaped Emerald’s eye, “You want to give her a name?” Even Patricia who was standing there was surprised. She knew about the sisters’ rivalry.

With quivering lips, Cassandra nodded her head.

“Then... go ahead.” By now, the three girls were silently crying. The tears were running on their faces. 

Weirdly enough, they all were smiling through those tears.

That night, luckily Patricia’s aunt did not return home due to her extra shift which came up unannounced.  

The girls took turns taking care of the baby girl. At around 4:00 a.m. Justin, who was Patricia's childhood buddy came to pick them up for the airport.

At the airport, they group hugged each other very carefully because they did not want to squeeze the baby.

Patricia told her that she would give the call to Abigail Levisay so she did not need to worry.

After a single backward glance, Emerald nodded at the girls, silently thanking them, and moved forward.

Maybe for good.

Never to return!

Lisa Salman

Hello readers. Here is the first chapter of Would Never Let You Go (WNLYG)

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Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Natalie Henry
Why I’d Raphael’s story not available on audio ???
goodnovel comment avatar
Susan Thomas
Wow I like
goodnovel comment avatar
Anessa Hamilton Le
Started great... Cassandra isn't a Chloe!!!

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