
Chapter 36 – Buy a Business

“What do you mean; maybe not?” Richard asks, turning back to look at Emmett. “I may be here for the moment; I’m not leeching off of you.”

“You definitely won’t be leeching off of me” Emmett says, moving from the table. “I need to consult with Lester first and then the board; do you think you could run Peterson Properties yourself?”

“Yes; better than dad. He’s a carpenter. He started by flipping houses before going into apartment buildings then old office buildings. I have a business and architecture degree. Dad won’t even let me try; for whatever fucked up reason” Richard states, a smirk crossing his face; understanding what Emmett was planning to do. “Is dad’s business really up shit creek without a paddle?”

“Oh yeah” Emmett states, grinning from ear to ear. ‘Ultimate retribution. Selling his company to me or go bankrupt. That will hurt’ he adds in his mind. “You two should go to bed; I’ll call a few people and see what we can do… Separately” he spits the last part of the sentence at
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