
Chapter 47 – Lester is Told, No

There was a debate between the group before heading to the hotel. The women wanted to get dinner first and watch the sunset. The men wanted to freshen up first, before they ate. “It’s fine. You go back to the hotel. We will stay here to watch the sunset and head there when we are done” Simone intercedes in the argument as the rest of the ladies nod their support to her comment.

Emmett grumbles before conceding to Simone and the rest of the men follow suit. They all head into a local restaurant and sit down on the balcony to watch the sunset. After the waitress takes their order; “It’s really pretty here” Caitlyn says, a blush coming on her face as Lester puts his arm around her. ‘I have to stop this. He’s handsome and everything; he isn’t the type of man I have in my life’ she says to herself.

“Catie, do you want another drink?” Lester asks the strawberry blonde beauty, a small grin appearing on his face.

“No. We’ve been drinking all day. The water will be fine” she states, giving him
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