
Chapter 29

Emily's POV

This was wrong!

As Eric's tongue danced passionately against mine, I felt helpless against him.

Shoving him was fruitless at this point. He remained unmoving as my hands pushed his chest.

I blinked back the tears that threatened to sting my eyes. The passion he kissed me with was something I had longed for earnestly five years ago.

Right now, all I felt was annoyance and irritation.

He was the reason Max was in jail, and he was the source of my pain years back. I could not compromise now simply because of some electric kiss.

I shoved him harder, causing him to land on his couch.

"Don't you ever try this with me, Mr. Wilson. I will have you arrested for trespassing if you so much as come within five meters of me," I spat, my eyes blazing with fury.


"I'm done here," I announced, gathering my things.

"It's late. You can't leave by this time."

"Watch me!"

My footsteps resounded as I stormed towards the patio door in annoyance and rage.

"I have an option for your boyfr
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