


It finally dawns on me that this is a ploy to get me to forget the reason I wanted to leave in the first place.

The smug bastard wants to try and distract me with sex. That thought alone sends a douse of cold water all over my desire.

I renew my struggles, desperate to get very far away from him.

“Let go, Mason. Let go!”

Probably sensing that I’m serious, he leans back, looking down at me with a frown. He doesn’t go far though.

His body still firmly traps mine against the door.

“Do you still think I’m a whore?” I blurt suddenly, regretting my choice of words the moment I see his eyes tighten with rage.

“Take that back.” He growls.

My eyes snap to him.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me, princess. Take that back. Now.”

I feel my lips moving to obey him immediately and that only annoys me, so I clamp them shut and stare him down instead.

His eyes darken with an emotion that skips my understanding.

“You do not want to play these games with me.”

When I still give him a defiant stare, sayi
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goodnovel comment avatar
Enjoyed this chapter and loved that it was longer.

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