


I was right.

It’s been three days and Halloway has not gone to the park even once. Yes, I still follow her everyday. She ends up going to that same rundown neighbourhood and walks into the same warehouse every single day.

At this point, It’s safe to say I’m obsessed. There are times when Vanessa is not able to make it… so I go on my own.

I do not care if I’m attacked by one of those scary looking men or not. Okay, maybe I do care.

It’s just that I’m not paying attention half of the time.

The plan is to follow her and see what she really does in that warehouse and today’s the day.

“You ready?” I ask Vanessa as Halloway pulls away from Mason’s office complex and I follow suit.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” She replies, excitement written all over her features. “Let’s bust this bitch.”

We follow closely, Vanessa singing along pretty loudly to Sia’s “Bird Set Free.” I, on the other hand, feel way too tense to sing.

She finally turns into the street and stops at the same spot she usua
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