
One Hundred and Forty-One


The day of the anniversary was here. I woke up tense, because of Violet's comment and I just laid under the blanket, looking up at the ceiling and traced the patterns drawn on it.

Beside me , Seth stirred in the bed and a large arm rose to caress my belly.

"Good morning little wolf." He whispered, before turning to me. His normally perfect hair was just shaggy today, and his blue grey eyes crinkled at the edges.

I wanted to kiss him, but I couldn't. The nerves were eating me alive .

He seemed to read my mind as he moved closer to me, his nose brushing mine softly. "Good morning mummy "

He captured my lips in a short kiss,,and my lips quivered, ruining the kiss.

He pulled back, his cute face scrunched up in confusion

He looked like around five with the pout on his lips and I almost laughed. Almost.

I couldn't, and my hands shook om my lap.

"What's wrong mummy?"

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. "It's today, Seth," I replied, forcing a small smile. "I ju

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