
02: The End?

Naya’s POV

I might have pinched myself a little more than ten times in the last minutes. 

It suddenly seemed like my entire life was falling apart, and as I finally gained the strength to stand up, a familiar scent flooded my nostrils. 

In seconds, Liam’s familiar figure rushes through the door, only that, he doesn’t stop. 

He probably didn’t even see me there, and I watched from where I stood by the door as my husband rushed towards Sophie. 

Sophie no longer had the fierce and aggressive demeanour from earlier. 

Instead, she has this frail and lost look in her eyes that reminds me of the many times that she asked me for a favour.

But what is even more baffling is Liam. He looked nothing like someone who just got a transplant. 

“L…Liam… I told you that Naya would be angry as soon as she finds out,” Sophie says weakly and then burst into tears.

Liam finally glances at my side, our eyes meeting. 

But it’s not him that’s staring at me. 

The Liam I knew, the Liam I married, always looked at him like I was the world. Like he couldn’t wait to worship my every being. 

The man in front of me looks like he could kill me and not flinch. 

His eyes are cold, unfeeling and unfamiliar.

As he moved closer to me, I instinctively stepped back, my heart pounding in my chest as I mentally called for Elisa, my wolf.

“What? You can’t even sacrifice your kidney for your best friend?” Liam started.

“Regardless of how many times she begged you for it, you ignored her, knowing very well that it could kill her…” 

“Yet, when it came to me, you were even begging me to have it. Aren’t you a hypocrite?” 

I glance at Sophie, trying to remember when it was that she had asked me for my kidney. 

Then, I glanced back at Liam, unable to believe that this wasn’t some drama set. How could he be angry that I was willing to sacrifice my kidney for him? 

Where were the cameras?

“The moon goddess must have been blind to choose a witch like you as her chosen one.” 

“Thankfully, we have done the world a favour by taking it away from you.” 

My body stiffens. “What are you talking about?” 

Before Liam could respond, the loud ringing of his phone interrupted, and without any regard for me, he pulled his phone out and then stepped out of the room.

I want to wait, but his last words make me feel very uncomfortable, and there’s a nagging feeling in my mind. 

Like how I have been unable to reach Elisa since I woke up.

However, as I took a step to rush after him, Mrs Wilson slammed the door and stood before me. 

“How can you be so shameless? You still want to chase and seduce him even after now?” 

The world around me was falling into multiple pieces that I couldn’t recognise. However, I couldn’t help but fight back.

Yes, that was what Dad always said. 

I couldn’t let them win.

I forced my lips to curl into a smile as I stared her back in the face. 

“Regardless of how many abortions that Sophie has had. At the end of the day, she’s nothing more than a woman that he has to keep for when he needs to satisfy his urges.” 

However, my words seem to have no effect as Mrs Wilson bursts into a fit of laughter, and Sophie joins almost immediately. 

“You think you are still the Luna? I could kill you right here, and Liam wouldn’t bat an eye.”

“That’s how much he hates you.” 

“And you know the best part? A wolf-less person like you who has lost her connection to her wolf can no longer be Luna, Naya,” Sophie added from the side.

I should fight. But her last words made me lose strength in my leg, and so I crumpled to the floor, watching the two of them like I was in some horror movie.

No, horror movies don’t get this scary right.

“Naya, I’m carrying Liam’s baby. As for your kidney…” Sophie paused and then glanced at her mother, who opened the door and peeped outside. 

After the door was slammed shut again, Sophie continued.

“I found some human buyers for it. Don’t worry; once you are dead, I will use some of the proceeds to get you a proper funeral that’s befitting for the moon goddess chosen.” 

Her mockery at me, being the moon goddess's chosen one, was piercing. 

It’s playing right in front of me, but another part of my mind honestly believes that this can’t be true. 

Without thinking twice, I force myself to stand up and push for the door. 

There’s no way this real. 

So I had to run from this god damned nightmare. 

Or rather, I had to run from this hell that was as real as it could get. 

As I rush outside the clinic, I stop in my steps as I see Liam still on the phone and standing behind some shrubs.

“The operation was successful. Sophie should have the special powers now, so I will bring her over for the princess as soon as possible.”

“I have the entire pack under control.” 

He doesn’t say anything anymore and seems to just listen to whatever the person on the other side of the call is saying, but my mind can’t help but run. 

What Liam had just said and what Sophie had said seemed to match. 

They have taken Elisa from me. 

I didn’t think I could feel any more pain than I already did, but somehow, I still do.

Elisa was a part of me. She was me. 

The kind of bond that we had was completely different from other shifters. Because Elisa was the purest wolf a shifter could have. 

And I didn’t even know that it was possible for them to take her away from me. 

Just how long have they been planning this?

Liam’s voice pulled me out of my thoughts, and I glanced around to make sure that I was still hidden.

“That bitch? I don’t have to do anything. These other two would finish her up for me…” 

This time, I can’t help the slight gasp that escapes from my throat. 

Liam turns, and his eyes meet mine before narrowing into a dangerous glint.

“My lord, I would be back with the lady in two days. I have some matters that require urgent attention.” 

As Liam starts to walk towards me, I don’t think twice and simply burst into a run. 

However, Liam catches up to me in seconds, and his arm pins me against a wall. 

“You damned bitch! You just couldn’t sit still and wait for death, huh?”

His intentions were easy to see, and as his hands wrapped around my neck and stifled my air intake, tears rolled down my eyes.

The man I was staring at right now, the one that was about to take my life, was the real Liam.

These last five years, all I have known was the fake one.

Somehow, I don’t fight it. 

Elisa was already gone. There was nothing worth fighting for. 

As I closed my eyes, I started to feel the pain from my lungs searching and fighting for air. 

Liam clasps his hands even tighter and dealt the final blow. 

"When you get to the other side, tell your father you made the same mistake that he did."

I want to ask him what he means but I could feel my body slowly shutting down. 

This was it. 

The end. 

“Forgive me, Dad. I have failed you.” 

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