
05: "Take it easy, Liam."


Liam's POV

“Take it easy, Liam. It's nobody's fault,” Sophie says as she gets down from her car and walks to me.

I slap a palm onto my face. “Then explain to me, Sophie. You've been designing for more than four years now. Why did you make a dress that is easy to tear?”

“I told you to keep your feelings out of this. I told you!”

Her eyes widen as she stares at me with surprise. My angry side is something she hasn't witnessed personally.

“I didn't make any underhand design,” she argues. “The material, the pattern… all of it was in perfect condition before I handed it over.”

“And then it ripped apart while she was coming down from the taxi. Fuck, I should have known something like this would happen,” I rant.

I pick up a glass of water and take a gulp. Shouting for the past twenty minutes has really turned my throat sore.

“You know what, Sophie? Saturday. You will make another wedding dress before Saturday. Do you understand?”

“Darling,” she purrs, resting a palm on my chest, “you're sounding different.”

She presses her body against mine, standing on her tiptoes to match my height. Then she presses a soft kiss on my lips.

“You know I won't disappoint you, right? You trust me, right?”

“I do,” I mumble in a deep tone, licking my lips as I savour the taste of her lips.

“Don't ever let that bitch ruin your smile, baby,” she says, her lips curling into a beautiful smile as she presses another kiss on my lips.

My arms go round her waist, grabbing and pulling her firmly to my body.

She intensifies the pressure of her lips on mine, her arms trailing up to my chest. “I love you so much, Liam.”

I pin her back to the wall, raising her hands above her head. Her chest heaves up and her eyes are eager. Eager to become a mess for me, because I'm going to release all my frustration into her.

I latch my tongue onto the side of her neck and she throws her head back in ecstacy, a moan falling off her lips.

“So beautiful,” I purr into her ear, sweeping my tongue over her earlobe. “So beautiful when you are this crazy just for me.”

“I'm yours, Liam. All your—”

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pause. If it were an ordinary day, I'd ignore my calls at a time like this. But judging by the time, the court marriage should have been finalised by now and I should have sent feedback to the Alpha. How am I going to tell him that I failed?

“Excuse me,” I say to Sophie and she sighs as I pull the phone out of my pocket.

It is my boss.

I detach from Sophie and walk away, zipping up my trousers.

“Hey, boss,” I started letting him know I could talk.

“Liam,” his stern voice rings over the phone. “You should have called me by now.”

I can hear the tension in his voice and my hair stands on edge.

“I'm sorry, boss.”

He is quiet for a few seconds, then he speaks again. “Sorry for what?”

A knot forms in my throat and I swallow it so I can speak.

“I should have called you by now, boss. But the wedding didn't go through today,” I told him.


I knew what was coming next.

“Don't tell me you're fucking incapable of the mission I gave you, Liam!” He yells. “Don't tell me I commited my daughter's life into the hands of a buffoon.”

“No, boss. I'm sorry,” I said calmly.

“If my daughter dies, Liam, I will make sure you feel the true taste of my wrath!” He swears and ends the call immediately.

I heave off a sigh as I rest my back on the wall and reflect on how I have messed up. I can't fail the boss. A lot is at stake.

I have commited a lot into getting that bitch to fall in love with me and agree to marry me, so I can't be slacking off. It will be a total waste of all that effort.

Just then, it clicks in my head that I should be with Naya and not her desperate best friend. I should be consoling her for turning up late, not here trying to fuck her best friend.

I groan angrily. My mission isn't easy. But I'll do whatever is necessary to accomplish it.

Sophie shows up on the corridor as I'm about to leave.

Her lips are pouted. “Baby, you've been on the call for so long.”

She tries to wrap her arms around my neck, but I brush her off. “Not now, Sophie.”

Her brows fall low but I don't mind. She's not a problem because even if she gets mad at me, she'll always be the one to apologise.

I bear the shame of being the reason for our failed wedding today and go to Naya’s house. Luckily for me, her sister gets the door.

“Naya isn't home,” Reilly says, her lips pouting.

Another guy walks out from behind her and glances at me before walking away. I knew him. I'd seen him a few times with Naya, and I think they're just friends.

“Tell Naya to call me when gets back,” he waves at Reilly and climbs into a scooter.

“Alright, Jake. Bye!” Reilly waves him off and he zooms away.

I grit my teeth hard. Where the hell did Naya go? I hope nothing wrong has happened to her because I'd be so screwed if that's the case.

No harm is meant to befall her until I'm done with her.

“Tell Naya I came around,” I say to Reilly and return to my car. 

Maybe I should have stayed back at Sophie's house. There's a lot of frustration stored between my legs now and I urgently need to release them.

Sophie is always ready to do that for me which is why I like her. She exudes more loyalty than a dog could ever. That is special and I'm going to make sure I enjoy it to the fullest while it lasts.

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