
03: Do You Need A Bride?

Naya’s POV

I wonder if I get to meet with Selene. 

Would I be angry at her for making me the chosen one? 

Or would she be angry that I couldn’t do the sole thing that she chose me for?

To protect her people.

When all the swirling and turning finally stopped, I pried my eyes open.

Shock rushes through me as I take in the sight before me. The scene before me is nothing like what I expect the afterlife to look at. 

Instead, it was a scene that I knew too well. 

Remembered too well. 

Was the moon goddess trying to remind me of the day that I had made the worst mistake of my life? 

Of the day that I said yes to the monster that had taken everything from me?

As I stare in the mirror, staring at the wedding dress from that day, my fists clench tightly.


“How do I still have my body?”

“I was wondering when you were going to realise it, silly,” Elisa’s familiar voice rang out, and I froze.


“What’s going on?” 

“We seem to be back in time, only that I don’t remember anything else from before the surgery…” she paused, her words hanging in the air.

“I’m guessing we didn’t make it through the surgery. For a time reversal to be granted by the moon goddess, you must have died.” 

A part of me is tempted to tell Elisa everything that happened. But she had never really liked Liam, and I couldn’t bear to tell her that somehow, because of my silly decisions, she had been taken from me. 

“There’s something you are not telling me…” Elisa said, catching on very quickly. 

“No, no, I’m just surprised that the moon goddess did it. Does this happen to everyone?” 

Lisa scoffed slightly.

“How could it? You are the person she chose. Until you complete the mission, it’s impossible for you to go to the afterlife.” 

“You are lucky she granted you a time reversal, though, because there are other means.” 

A loud chime stopped me from replying and I grabbed the phone that was in front of the dresser. 

Just like in the past, Sophie had sent that same message.

Sophie— Naya, I have some trouble with my dress. I will join you at the county office.

I can’t help my lips from curling in self mockery. 

How had I not noticed it? 

Liam had come to pick me up about an hour late, and Sophie had been waiting in the court despite finishing late. 

To think that I had been so blind.

I glanced at my reflection one last time before standing up.

Since the moon goddess had given me the opportunity, then it would be a shame to waste it. 

Every single one of them would pay! 

However… Liam seemed to have been working for someone.

I couldn’t help but recall the last conversation that I had heard. 

I had to be careful about dealing with him. I could not allow him to know that I knew. 

But most importantly, I could not allow myself to be married to him one more time. 

As I walked out of my apartment, I flagged a cab, gave him the address to the court, and then sent Liam a message. 

“I’m at the County Clerk’s office now. Can’t wait to become your woman.” 

If I were right, he wouldn’t see it now. Because right now, he would be balls deep in my best friend—Sophie.

My game plan was weak because I didn’t have enough time. All I could do was try to wait long enough at the court and then throw a fit when he came.

If I could postpone the wedding. Just enough to make my Dad come to the city here. That was more than enough. 

I needed to make him think that I was still in love with him. 

I was still that girl who could give up her kidney without asking questions just to save him. 

Like always, Sacramento was bustling, and what should have been a ten-minute ride ended up being twenty. 

In my eye-catching white dress, I got down from the taxi and walked into the County Clerk's waiting room. 

It was a weekday and surprisingly empty. Aside from me, two men were sitting side by side.

Dressed in expensive suits, one of them was a sight for sore eyes, and I knew for certain that several human girls would be mad at him for being with his partner. 

The taller man glanced at me, his gaze lingering a lot longer than normal before turning to the man beside him. 

“Is this her?” 

The other man glanced down at his phone once and then looked at me before nodding his head once. 

I’m slightly curious, but today is important, and I couldn’t afford to let anything mess it up. 

So, instead of starting a conversation, I simply take my seat opposite them. 

Just like I had guessed, Liam hadn’t seen my message. It’s been half an hour since I sent it, and there’s been no reply from him. 

Did they think they were having their parting sex? That after getting married to me, he would never go back to her? 

“Are you sure you want to settle for Liam? Look at that man opposite us. Why can’t you choose a better person?” Elisa grumbled in my head.

Her words lightened my mood, and I couldn’t help but smile. If she knew what my plan was…

“Dad would kill me if I got married to a human.”

“He would kill you when he finds out about Liam, too. You might as well pick the better option.” 

“Besides, I don’t think he’s human.” 

I want to reply, but one of the men standing up got my attention.

“Since the girl he chose couldn’t make it, tell him not to mention marriage for the next four years.” The taller man instructed as he turned to leave. 

The other man, who I’m starting to realise seemed more like an assistant, stood up too.

“Just… just some minutes more.” His assistant stammered while glancing at his watch again. 

There was no way to tell exactly what I was thinking, but before I knew it, I was standing right in front of the man with my best-forced smile.

“Do you need a bride?” 

“Because I happen to need a groom.” 

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