
You wouldn't dare

Chapter 23: You wouldn't dare!

After speaking to Trixson on the mobile, she returned to Aunt Rina's bungalow. She heard Rina and Dahlia exchanging words.

"You should keep your mouth shut," she heard Dahlia threaten Rina.

Later, Rina snapped in a louder voice, "Why should I? Only people who have secrets are self-conscious."

"Everybody has secrets, Rina. Everybody," Dahlia said matter-of-factly, scrunching up her face.

"What is happening here?" Elsie chimed in as soon as she entered the living room. It was not the first time she had seen them squabble; they always had issues.

Instead of replying to her question, Dahlia's eyes burned with anger as she hollered, "Are you done? Then give me my phone and save me all those stupid questions. Pathetic!"

Elsie ignored her rude comment, she tossed the phone to Dahlia, who scrambled before catching it. Then she scampered to Rina and wrapped her arms around her upper body. "Are you okay, Auntie?"

"I am fine. Tha
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