
Chapter 5 The Coronation


I woke up to someone rocking me violently. The world around me was a blur, and my head throbbed with pain. 

“Wake up! The coronation is about to start! Naomi is waiting for you!” 

The voice was urgent, insistent, pulling me out of the darkness. My vision slowly cleared, and I recognized one of Naomi’s attendants, her face pinched with annoyance. 

When she left, I struggled to sit up, my body aching from the aftermath of the rejection. I glanced down and found blood on my legs, a stark reminder of what happened. My heart ached, not just from the physical pain but from the realization of what I had lost. 

My wolf, Molly, was quieter than usual, her sadness mirroring my own. “We could have had a lovely little puppy.” I heard her painful whispering.

The bond with Jasper, once a source of strength and joy, had been brutally severed, leaving us both wounded. I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. 

I forced myself to freshen up, washing away the traces of blood and tears. The reflection in the mirror showed a pale, haunted face, but there was no time to dwell on it. 

Naomi needed me. Despite everything, I still had to fulfill my duties. I dressed quickly and made my way to Naomi’s room. 

Naomi looked at me with worry as I entered, her eyes briefly softening. But then she quickly masked it with condescending pity. 

“Well, well, well. I guess you took the rejection pretty hard there I see,” she said, her voice dripping with false concern. 

I didn’t say anything, my silence a shield against her taunts. The pain was too fresh, too raw to respond. 

The coronation of the new Lune in our pack was a monumental event, attracting every powerful Alpha on the continent along with their Lunas. The grand hall was filled with people, the air buzzing with anticipation. Even the recently reappeared Lycan King had answered the invitation, his presence adding to the gravity of the occasion.

The invitation had suggested that the new Luna was going to be me, the new Alpha’s mate and the daughter of the old Beta. So people were shocked when Jasper got up to make his announcement. 

He radiated authority, the perfect image of an Alpha ready to lead. His dark eyes scanned the room, momentarily resting on me, and I felt a pang of loss. 

The crowd fell silent as the air filled with expectation. 

“The Great Pack,” Jasper began, addressing them as one. “Thank you for coming to this occasion. Today, we mark the beginning of a new era.” 

He paused, allowing his words to sink in. There was a murmur of excitement from the crowd, their eyes fixed on him. Jasper had always been a compelling speaker, able to command attention with ease. 

“As you all know,” he continued, “the position of Luna is one of great importance. It is a role that requires not only strength and wisdom but also the unwavering support of the Alpha.” 

He took a breath, his gaze hardening as he said, “But before I name my new luna, I must inform you that I have rejected my mate.” 

Gasps and murmurs of disbelief rippled through the crowd. My heart pounded in my chest, each word a dagger twisting deeper. I stood there, frozen, as Jasper’s declaration shattered the expectations of everyone present. 

“This new Luna will be my true love, Naomi,” Jasper announced, his voice resolute. He gestured towards Naomi, who stood beside him with a victorious smile. 

“She is the daughter of a loyal supporter, someone who has stood by me and our pack through thick and thin. Her dedication and commitment are beyond question.” 

Naomi stepped forward, her face glowing with pride and satisfaction. She basked in the attention as the guests looked on, their expressions ranging from surprise to confusion to pity. 

“I assure you,” Jasper continued. “This decision was made with the best interests of the pack in mind. Naomi and I will lead this pack with strength, wisdom, and a commitment to our shared future.” 

The crowd remained silent, absorbing the news. I stared at the ground, standing silently beside the beaming Naomi, accepting the pitying glances of those around me. My heart was heavy, but I kept my head down, determined not to let them see my pain. Naomi beamed, basking in her newfound status. I remained silent as my emotions churned. 

Just then, Molly alerted me excitedly that my mate was in the crowd. My heart skipped a beat, fear gripping me at the thought that the rejection between me and Jasper hadn’t worked. But Molly reassured me otherwise, her excitement infectious. 

I scanned the crowd, my eyes searching for the source of Molly’s enthusiasm. And then, my eyes locked with a man I thought I would never see again. 


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