
Rejecting the Prince's Mate
Rejecting the Prince's Mate
Author: Ellie Scott

Chapter 1 - On Our Way

Julia POV

                  We had been through some rigid training in preparation for tonight’s event.  Our uniforms had been provided by the palace.  Not the sleezy type you might expect.  Everyone wore black pants and black blouses buttoned to the top button.  We had name badges in a variety of colors indicating what you were responsible for. 

                  Cami, my best friend, was leading the waiter staff, so she was bronze.  I was leading the dessert chefs, so mine was red.  We had finished getting ready.  Everyone with longer hair had to have it up.  We both looked one another over to ensure a hair was not out of place.  We had been advised if we did not adhere to the rules, we would not be permitted entrance.  And we wanted to be inside that palace.

                  To see all those beautiful people dressed in beautiful gowns and tuxedos, would be overwhelming in a good way.  We had never seen such glamour before and may never get the opportunity again.  Smiling at one another we nod, “We look great!” Cami says as she pulls me in for a hug.

                  I admit – we did look great.  With all the restrictions, I thought we would all look the same.  But I could see we would all look like our unique selves.  I released Cami from my arms and moved back to the table looking over my notes for the desserts.  I wanted everything to be perfect for tonight and had to admit I felt this swirl of nerves I had never experienced before. 

                  “The desserts will be perfect!” Cami says as she walks over to my side looking at her own notes.  “I hope so,” I mumble as I chew on my bottom lip.  There was one chef I had been concerned about but gave my head a shake.  If they screwed up, I could easily step in and fix it.

                  Looking at her watch, Cami declares it is time to get ready to leave.  I take a deep breath, saying a silent prayer that everything goes perfectly.  As we drive out of town towards the venue, I consider my life as it is today.

                  I was a sous chef for a high-end restaurant but often found myself helping out as head waiter.  This was one of three jobs I had on the go.  I had bills to pay from my mother’s medical expenses. 

                  I had planned to go to university so I could work with youth; however, that dream was put aside quickly when my mother fell ill.  At first the doctors were optimistic she would make it and then suddenly things took a turn for the worse.  And suddenly she was just gone.                 

                  I still struggled with the loss.  My mother had been my rock.  She had felt like she had let me down when she fell ill.  She had wanted me to get my degree, but I promised her I would go when the time was right.  I planned to keep that promise to her.  It was simply going to take me a little longer to make that dream a reality.

                  Before I could dwell on the sad events any longer, I realized Cami had been chatting to me most of the trip and I had heard nothing.  She nudged me as we came upon the castle we would be working at tonight.  I felt my breath get lodged in my chest.  This place was incredible. 

                  It was so regal and frankly stunning yet held an air of mystery.  Like there were secrets inside those walls that just wanted to be told.  I felt an excitement inside of me that I had not felt since before my mother had felt ill.  Like something incredible was going to happen.    

                  I could imagine being a princess in this castle and finding the perfect prince.  I knew it was a fairy tale and fairy tales were not reality.  But a girl could dream.

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