
Chapter 2 - The Gala

Eric POV

                  It had been a long ten months.  I had been searching for my fated mate for almost a year and not even a hint of them.  At twenty, many would think I was too young to be so desperate to find my mate; however, I had been waiting and wanting to start my life now that Elizabeth had returned home.  Elizabeth was my sister and the new Queen of our Kingdom.  She had been kidnapped at a young age and I was born shortly after she had disappeared.  Believed dead for so long, I had been being groomed to take over as the future King.

                  However, secretly I had hated the idea.  I was an artist at heart.  I loved abstract painting and could get lost in my work for days without stopping for food or sleep.  Well, if it was not for my mother continuously sending refreshments to me during my creative times.  She knew in her heart I wanted to focus on being an artist; however, my father would not hear of it.

                  When I spoke passionately about art, he immediately shut me down reminding me of my duties as the future King.  Art was a nice hobby, added to great conversation at arts events, but was not to be taken seriously.  I had started to grow bitter towards my father.  I am grateful that Elizabeth returned.  I hated that tension in our relationship; I loved my father.

                  He still hated the idea of me being an artist, so we simply never spoke of it.  I still had duties as a Prince in the Kingdom, but it afforded me more time to focus on my art.  I hoped my mate would appreciate my passion.  It was a way for me to express myself in a world where royalty is supposed to be somewhat removed from the public eye.  I paint under an alias, and I planned to keep it that way.

I did not miss the hectic schedule of meetings I had to attend.  I got to participate in a lot of the charity work that we sponsored.  My favourite charity was the work we did for the youth in our community.  Creating opportunities for mentorship with the youth was the focus, but also raising money to get them a solid education was key to this charity.  Seeing the changes in the lives of our youth, was second to nothing I had experienced previously.

                  Taking one last look in the mirror, I decided I was ready and would head down towards the party hall.  I knew Elizabeth was nervous as tonight was her first official gala event that she was hosting.  The first that she had been responsible for from start to finish.  It held a lot of promise for a lot of wolves, and like all events she wanted it to be perfect.  A night to remember.

I have my own private wing within the palace.  A courtesy afforded me as I was the Prince of the Kingdom.  I would have been happy to relocate, but Elizabeth would not hear of it when she took over.  Our parents lived in the palace, along with myself and my future family, if that time ever came.

                  I could hear the hustle and bustle of activity below.  I stood for a moment taking a breath.  I did not know why I was so uncomfortable today.  My wolf was also agitated.  Not a common feeling and it caused me to pause and center myself.  I had not had a chance to do any painting this week.  The painting and focus tended to help keep me calm during times such as these.

                  Sighing I gave myself a shake.  I was being ridiculous.  I had been to hundreds of these events, and they would turn out the same.  I would not find my mate, but I would find someone to spend the night with and gently encourage them to leave first thing in the morning.  Tonight, would be no different.

                  Walking down the staircase I pause hidden from being seen below.  From my viewpoint, I could see the cars coming to the front entrance and the beautifully dressed young women exiting those vehicles.  I took a deep breath, scenting the freshly arrived women.  I pause.  Nothing.  No hint that my mate is among them.

                  Closing my eyes, I take a moment to relax.  Ensuring this evening is a success for my sister was my only priority.  I continue my journey down the stairs and notice the lowering of chatter as I make my entrance.  Elizabeth and Carter are greeting their guests at the main door.  I smile and nod towards the familiar faces and some new ones.  As I meet the new women, I inhale and hide the disappointment at them not being my mate.

                  I see the servers moving through the crowd.  Elizabeth had decided to bring in human servers so that all wolves would be able to attend the Gala if they wished.  I had to admit she had the right idea.  There were a lot of wolves in attendance; more than I had anticipated.

                  I swipe a glass of champagne from the tray that was moving by me quickly.  The woman looked around frantically and smiled as she paused, murmuring an apology for her hastiness.  I detected a brief scent of something tantalizing my nose, but it quickly departed as she moved through the crowd.

                  Interesting.  I kept my eye on her as long as I could.  She was so fast and had moved out back where the servers would be restocking their trays.  I moved through the crowd stopping to speak with delegates.  I cringed internally as I see a figure I recognized moving through the crowd. 

                  Louisa.  An eager she-wolf seeking a rich mate.  It did not matter if he was her fated or chosen mate.  As long as he was rich, and well established in the werewolf kingdom.  She had made it known, often, that she would be very open to a relationship of convenience, if I were unsuccessful at finding my fated mate.

                  I had made the poor decision to date her for a brief period of time.  It had been long enough to let her have a glimmer of what life with me would be like.  “Darling, I am so happy to see you,” Louisa says as she leans forward pecking my lips.  I feel my body tense up but I do not make a scene.

                  “And why is that?” I ask trying to hide my boredom with her.  “I do not detect my fated mate, and by being alone, I can see you have not either.  There is no reason we cannot entertain one another for the rest of the evening,” she says softly.  I simply stare at her for a few moments, before I give her a brief smile. 

Before I can respond, I see the door to the back kitchens open and that delectable scent teases my senses once again.  I cannot put my finger on the scent, but it is causing my wolf to start to get agitated.

“Excuse me,” I say to a confused Louisa as I move toward the doors wanting to see who that scent belonged to.

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