
Chapter 3 - Mate!

Julia POV

                  I could feel my blood pressure rising.  The man who was supposed to be helping create the dessert masterpieces had begged off for a break and had not returned.  That was an hour ago.  He had been dragging his ass the entire time, and I knew it was because he felt he should be head dessert chef.

                  I would not let him ruin this evening or the desserts, so I jumped in to help my team, while also trying to check everything that left the kitchen.  Ensuring consistency was key to an event this size.  It had also been instilled in us that this evening had to be perfect.  And that meant all aspects from serving to food and beverages.

                   “Oh my,” Cami says as she comes up to me for a moment.  “What?” I ask concerned something had happened.  “There are so many beautiful people out there.  It is all I can do not to spill the drinks as I trip over one magnificent creature to the next!”  she declares as I laugh at her candidness.

                  I had not had a chance to look out in the Gala event hall.  I wanted to.  I had heard the murmurings from the others that the women were beautiful, and the men were unbelievably handsome.  Some even indicating they had never seen so many men with such raw, beastly bodies.  I definitely wanted to see a raw, beastly man, I thought with a chuckle.

                  “I have to keep going.  The asshole did not show up?” Cami asks.  I give my head a shake no, just as I heard a burst of laughter from the door to the outside.  I glance back and see my missing chef.  He is carrying on with another chef and watching me to see what my response is to his late arrival.

                  I say nothing and turn back to my tasks.  I can feel him move up behind me, “Miss me?” he asks breathing heavily on me.  I cringe as I can smell the alcohol he has consumed.  This would be a recipe for disaster if I let him get near the food.  “Not at all.  We are good here.  Maybe the other chefs could use your help,” I suggest as I continue to move my hands quickly plating the desserts.

                  As I finished checking the next trays of desserts to leave the kitchens, the man pulls on my shoulder, “Listen bitch; I will stay right here and there is not a damn thing you can do about it,” he yells.  The kitchen goes silent as everyone stops to look at us.  I move closer to the man, “There is no need to yell.  We are almost done.  You can start on clean up,” I suggest as I turn back to see to another prepared tray.

                  The man moves quickly beside me, flipping the tray in the air.  I gasp as do others as the tray of beautiful desserts are destroyed and fall to the floor.  He bursts out laughing, “You should see your face,” he says as he steps into my space.  “What are you going to do now, huh?” he demands as he continues to smirk at me.

                  “She is not going to do anything.  You are going to clean up the mess you made, and then you are going to leave,” a deep voice said from behind me.  I feel butterflies erupt in my tummy and my core clench.  I am reluctant to turn around, as I cannot imagine what the impact will be when I actually see the body that contains that voice.

                  Unable to delay it, I slowly turn, and I look to the man.  He is beautiful, if a man could be considered beautiful.  He had dark hair, a strong jawline, kissable lips.  Wait, did I just think that?!?  And his eyes were a stunning blue.  His body was rock solid and built.  I felt my mouth go dry just staring into his eyes.

                  “What did you say to me?” the belligerent male beside me demands.  “You heard me.  Now do it,” he commands softly.  I see the man falter, but he slowly falls to the ground and starts to clean the mess he made.  He is cursing the entire time, but the mystery man simply ignores him as he moves closer to me.

                  “Magnificent,” he murmurs as he reaches his hand out to touch me.  As he does, I would swear I felt a tingling on my skin, but I knew that was not possible.  He was simply touching me.  That never happened.  I had never experienced it.  I must be hyper aware because he is like nobody I have ever seen in my life.

                  A frown crosses his face and I feel a sense of trepidation, “You are human,” he murmurs.

Eric POV

                  I reach out to touch my beautiful mate.  I had finally found her, and I knew I would keep her forever.  She was stunning even with her hair wrapped tightly in a bun, when all I wanted was to run my hand through her hair.  Holding tightly as I thrust into her body and marked her as my own.

                  I slowly reach out my hand to touch her.  I immediately felt sparks bounce between us.  But something felt wrong.  I inhaled again and her scent was intoxicating.  I could feel those around us staring when the words, “You are human,” slipped from my mouth.  I heard the beauty in front of me chuckle, “As are you,” she replies.

                  My heart sinks as I pull my hand back.  “Of course,” I reply as I turn away from my fated mate.  Before I fully turn, I pivot back and take hold of her hand.  She tries to tug her hand from mine, but I hold on tighter.  “Come with me,” I say curtly as she again pauses.  She points to the food in front of her, “I have to finish the desserts,” she replies hesitating to follow.

                  I look to the woman standing beside her, “Can you finish them?” I ask.  “Of course,” she replies and starts to work on the desserts.  Problem solved.  I drag my reluctant mate outside into the cool air.  I release her hand stand still taking a deep breath.  “Are you okay?” she asks as I turn back to her.

                  “No, I am not alright,” I reply as I move closer to her once again taking her hands.  “What I am about to say will make no sense, but I need you to listen,” I say to her.  “Okay,” she replies cautiously.  “What is your name beautiful?” I ask.  She clears her throat, “Julia Kent,” she replies. 

                  “I, Alpha Eric Montgomery, reject you, Julia Kent,” I say softly.

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