
Signed and sealed


Armando's suggestion was one hell of a crazy idea, regardless, I couldn't deny the fact it was a brilliant plan and we got to work on it immediately ,all that was left now, was for alpha Jax to take the bait, and I was going to hand it to him personally.

“Alpha.” I bowed as soon as I stepped foot into his living room, his house was a fortress in the middle of the city , heavily guarded by men armed to the teeth, it was nothing short of a military zone.

“Finally, she decides to grace me with her presence. Where the hell have you been, Night Star?! I’ve been trying to reach you for days now!” He said pulling out the stick of cigar from his lips

I needed no soothsayer to tell me the Alpha was angry and I knew why.

“I’m sorry about that, Alpha.” I apologized, standing stiffly polite before him.

“Sorry? Is that all you’ve got to say for the four days of ignoring my calls?!” He yelled.

“I had some… issues. Something unexpected came up, that’s why.”

“What kind of issues will make you re
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