
Chapter 3: Alpha's Madness

Bernie's POV

I stayed like that until the doorbell rang. I staggered to the door and opened it, it was definitely Dylan. He would be back to normal. Of course, he would come back to find me. But to my disappointment, the person standing at the door, facing me was the maid.

I stared at her in bewilderment, causing her to take a step back in fear. She hesitantly pointed inside: “Mr. White, I… I came to clean the house!”

When she finished speaking, she immediately lowered her head, I know my aura scared her. Not only the maid. Anytime I show anger, the people around me will also avoid me, except for Dylan.

I'm dumbfounded. It turned out that I'd been sitting in the living room for more than three hours. And yet I haven't received a call from Dylan. I began to panic, and the fire in my heart kindled ablaze. My eyes are getting darker, I need to find Dylan. Dylan is out of sight made me scared and frantic. Like an animal that has identified a mate, but loses it in the blink of an eye.

That crazy feeling kept bothering me in my mind. I was crazy. And in this situation, if I hadn't met Dylan, maybe I would have actually done something out of control. I leaned over to let the maid enter the house. She put on her apron. And then she turned to me and asked, “Sir, do I need to clean the bedroom?”

She hesitated for a moment. If normally, she wouldn't ask me that, instead she would have a pleasant chat with Dylan. Thinking of Dylan again, even though we've only been apart for three hours, this time is longer than a year. My eyes scared her again. And even though she tried to smile, I could still see it.

“Don't touch any of the items upstairs!” After I said that, I didn't pay any attention to her anymore. Instead, I went upstairs. My footsteps were as heavy as a ton of lead.

Obviously, the things in the house are still the same, but I find them very different. It's because there's no Dylan. Every other day, I go to work, only on evenings and weekends with Dylan. But now, I feel completely different. I know well that this is caused by my mind.

I changed into warm clothes, texted my assistant that I wouldn't be at work today, and walked out of the house. Dylan probably won't go back to his parents' house because Dylan's parents' house is in another city. The only place Dylan could go was his house before we got married.

I have not been back here for more than half a year, but the way to Dylan's house is always in my mind. Like it was programmed in my head, the road wasn't far, and I impatiently drove to the subdivision where Dylan lived. The car window rolled down, and I looked at the security guard watching TV in the room. Hearing the car, he turned to look at me.

“Mr. White!”

Looks like he still remembers who I am. I wanted to smile like always to answer him but I couldn't. I nodded to the security guard, then asked hoarsely, "Is Dylan here?"

The security guard said, "Yes, early in the morning, Mr. Clark came back here. I also find it strange. For some reason, his facial expression doesn't look good!"

After saying that, he also looked at me questioningly, as if he wanted to ask something. Dylan has lived in this apartment complex for a few years, and being familiar with the security guard is normal. Then I went after Dylan, of course getting to know him. It can be said that he is the witness of my love for Dylan.

"What does he look like?" I couldn't help but ask.

The security guard, his name is Ian, hesitated for a moment and then said: "He looks so bad. He is so pale."

Ian sighed, then said, “Hurry up and find Clark! I think he needs someone by his side right now!”

After listening, my heart no longer panics. I breathe a sigh of relief in my heart. As long as I know where Dylan is, I'll be able to bring him home. I drove into the house, and a few people were walking in the courtyard. It was really peaceful. But I wasn't in the mood to enjoy, a way to the front of Dylan's house.

Getting out of the car, I adjusted my hair so that I didn't look too struggling. Standing in front of Dylan's house, I did not dare to ring the bell. Waiting for about five minutes, until there were eyes on me, I mustered up the courage to ring the doorbell.

Actually, I have the password to Dylan's house. That was the day when Dylan and I officially fell in love, but I didn't directly barge in. I was afraid I would offend Dylan myself.

"Who's this?"

Dylan's tired voice resounded over the tracking system. My ears were ringing, and I finally heard the voice I'd always loved. I said hoarsely, "It's you, Dylan. I'm here to take you home!"

After my words, the other side was silent for a long time, so long that I thought Dylan had fallen asleep before he spoke.

“Bernie, can you go home first?” Dylan sighed, but he wasn't as distant as before: “I… I need time to think!”

Dylan didn't tell himself what to think, but his words raised an anonymous uneasiness in me. I opened my mouth, gasping: “Dylan, what do you want to think about? Can you tell me? We'll work it out together!"

But this time, Dylan didn't answer me anymore. Perhaps Dylan had left the monitor, the silence of a moment ago had completely died down. My eyes darkened, my hands clenched, and I growled, “I know you're listening, Dylan! Quickly open the door, or I don't know what I'll do!"

I paced up and down in front of Dylan's house impatiently. Two thoughts popped into my head, one telling me to knock on the door and grab Dylan, the other telling me to wait patiently for Dylan.

"If you act scary in front of Dylan, he'll be scared of you, never coming back to you!"

“Don't be afraid! As long as you catch Dylan, you can lock him up. He won't be able to escape your sight anymore!"

"Don't be foolish Bernie! If you really force Dylan to be with you, Dylan will hate you!"

My head hurts like it's cracking. I try to control it and collapse in front of Dylan's door. Now I know that I can love someone to such extremes! In my mind right now, it's all about Dylan. Dylan says he needs to think. What does Dylan need to think about?

After thinking it all over, does Dylan want to divorce me?

Not impossible!

Dylan loves me as I love him!

The thought just now was so wild. I tried to stop myself from thinking in a bad way.

It's just that Dylan is acting so weird I can hardly ignore it this morning. The surrounding sounds gradually disappeared, and I fell into my own world. Having only been apart for a few hours, I was so scared because I never thought that Dylan would leave me.

I sat on the ground like an idiot. I really wanted to smoke a cigarette right now. Before I used to be a heavy smoker, then Dylan and I fell in love. Dylan couldn't stand the smell of cigarettes, so I quit smoking, no tobacco on my body.

Waiting for the door behind me to creak, I hurriedly stood up. Because I was in a hurry, I couldn't stand. I had to cling to the wall to be able to stand. I greedily looked at Dylan's face. He didn't seem to be any better than me today.

I swallowed, wanting to talk, but found that my throat was hoarse.

“Dylan, you finally opened the door to meet me!” I said, then took a step forward, wanting to grab Dylan's hand but he deftly dodged it.

My eyes darkened, and Dylan was avoiding me. Noticing my strangeness, Dylan paused for a moment. He took a deep breath. And then he said, “Bernie, I…”

I rushed forward, hugging Dylan. I leaned against the back of his neck, taking a deep breath, hoping it would calm my fury right now. Dylan wanted to avoid being hugged by me again. Dylan could only obediently lean against my chest.

"Dylan, Dylan! You're driving me crazy!"

After saying this, I took a bite of Dylan's neck as punishment. Until Dylan groaned, "Pain, Bernie, you're hurting me!"

I woke up quickly retracting the fang. There was blood on Dylan's beautiful neck, my heart ached, and I reverently licked the blood on his neck.

“Sorry, Dylan. I was too scared. Sorry for hurting you!”

I lowered my head, not daring to face Dylan. Afraid to see Dylan's distant gaze, it seemed to have become a ghost in my heart. I didn't dare listen to him, but then I couldn't stop him.

Dylan raised his hand, covering the spot where I'd just kissed and licked. I saw Dylan's neck turn red, and it didn't stop there. His face and ears were dyed a beautiful shade of red.

“Bernie, you… how could you do that?” Dylan's eyes were slightly watery, and I noticed the unnatural and confused expression in his eyes. But absolutely no resistance and hate!

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