



Kyra's perspective.

The Bloodshadow Pack mansion's large windows let me plenty of natural light, but it didn't lessen the weight in my chest. Now, in spite of its opulence, my new home felt like a gilded cage. 

I could not help but feel the weight of the life I was thrust into as I dressed in the clothes that were provided for me—a deep blue dress that was elegant but simple and devoid of any of the pink or glitter I normally loved. 

I snapped out of my trance by a tap on the door. Glancing across, I noticed a young lady dressed as a maid. She gave a small bow before continuing.

Miss Kyra, good morning. I'm Eliza, and I've been tasked with helping you in any way you require. I faked a modest smile at her. "Eliza, thank you. I suppose I should find out where the dining room is first. Eliza nodded, her face kind and perceptive. 

Naturally, Miss. Kindly go with me. While meandering through the never-ending hallways lined with pictures of past Alphas and Lunas, my thoughts drifted back to what had happened the night before. I'd kissed Damon and he had kissed me back. It was a mistake in judgment, a brief period when the intensity of his presence eclipsed the misery of my circumstances. I berated myself for compromising, even for a split second. I had to make sure I never forgot who I was or what I had to do.

I followed Eliza into the dining room, which was a large hall with a long table that could accommodate a minimum of twenty people. Already sat at the head, Damon exuded confidence in his sharp white shirt, which stood out against his dark hair. 

As soon as I walked in, his sharp eyes found mine, and a tiny smile appeared on his lips. He said, "Good morning, Kyra," in a calm and collected tone. "Good morning," I answered, attempting to maintain composure. I sat down far enough away from him to keep a modicum of privacy, but close enough to look helpful.

An array of fruits, cakes, and other treats that appeared as though they belonged in a palace greeted us for breakfast. Damon watched me closely as I started serving myself, his eyes never leaving mine. He broke the quiet, saying, "I hope you had a good night's sleep." 

"Alright, enough," I answered in a harsh voice. "Coming here is quite the adjustment." "I comprehend," Damon answered, a little softer in tone. "Kyra, I know this is difficult for you. However, I want you to be at ease in this place. Tell Eliza if there is anything at all that you require.

I nodded, not believing that I could talk clearly without letting my feelings come through. We ate the rest of breakfast silently, feeling the tension building between us. When we were done, Damon got up and came to me, holding my hand. 

"Come on, let's talk about these things," he remarked. I took his hand after a brief moment of hesitation, feeling the customary zap of electricity between us at the touch. He took me inside his office, which was dominated by a big mahogany desk and stocked with literature. He motioned for me to sit, and I followed suit, feeling as though the whole thing was falling heavily on my shoulders.

Seated behind the desk, Damon had a serious expression. "Kyra, there are certain expectations and responsibilities you need to be aware of as my mate and this pack's future Luna." I nodded and forced a swallow. "I comprehend." You'll have to become acquainted with the politics, membership, and customs of the pack. 

This is about the entire Bloodshadow Pack, not just us, Damon clarified. A wave of defiance rose up through me. "Damon, I never asked for this. I had no desire for any of it. Damon's expression changed slightly as a flash of frustration passed over it. "Kyra, none of us get to pick our own fate. We may choose how we respond to it, though.

I was at a loss for words when he said something that resonated with me. In a sense, he was correct. It was up to me how I handled this world that I had been thrown into without a choice. Finally, I said, "Fine." "What should I do?" With a softening face, Damon gave a nod of approval. "You must first have a meeting with the council of the pack. 

They must be aware of your identity and the fact that you have joined the pack. We'll then begin your training after that. You have a lot of learning ahead of you.

I felt a mixture of determination and trepidation at the thought of meeting the council and attending training. I would take on these obstacles head-on because I had to survive in this world, not because I wanted to be a part of it. 

"All right," I responded, raising my voice. "When are we going to start?" "Now," Damon answered. "I'll accompany you to the council chamber with Eliz. I will soon join you. I got to my feet as determination descended upon me. "I'll be prepared.”

A glimmer of hope flickered in my mind as I left the office and saw Eliza waiting for me to be escorted outside. Perhaps, just perhaps, I might figure out how to live this new life without totally losing who I am. 

However, I secretly understood that the road ahead would be difficult and that I would require all of my strength and guile to get through it uninjured. I followed Eliza down yet another set of hallways until we arrived at a massive, circular table in a grand room. 

A few council members were seated when I arrived, their expressions displaying a combination of curiosity and cynicism. I took a long breath, preparing myself for the inevitable scrutiny that would come after the introductions.

One of the elders remarked, "Miss Kyra, welcome." He had a deep, commanding voice. "We have a lot to talk about." I felt the weight of their stares on me as I sat down. I was eager to show that I was more than simply a piece in this game, even though it was just the beginning. My name was Kyra Macpherson, and I refused to break.

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