



The days flew by in a haze of solitude and pleasure. Even though I was surrounded by luxury, I still felt confined by the massive Bloodshadow mansion's walls. Damon's behavior continued to be erratic, alternating between extended periods of benevolence and brusque moments of kindness. 

I was caught in the crossfire of a man obviously divided between duty and passion. The only thing I could do was explore the mansion. I found elaborate chambers and undiscovered nooks, each more magnificent than the last. 

I was stuck feeling like a prisoner in a gilded cage despite the grandeur. Everything was dominated by Damon, who served as a continual reminder of my situation.

One evening, I decided to go for a walk in the vast gardens of the mansion after another uncomfortable dinner with Damon. The air was heavy with the aroma of budding flowers and the cool night air. It provided a much-needed break from the stress that seemed to follow me around. 

I saw a tiny light emanating from a building near the edge of the property as I strolled around. Sensationalized, I moved in its direction. The structure appeared aged and nearly abandoned, with ivy encroaching on its exterior. There was a small opening in the door, and through it I could hear sounds that were muted.

I cautiously pulled the door open and stumbled inside. I could make out two persons in the dimly lighted room, standing next to a table that was laden with antique books and scrolls. They were absorbed in their discourse to the point where they were blind to my presence. "Damon keeps her here, and I still don't understand why," stated one of the figures in a low, gravelly voice. 

"She is only a distraction," The other said in a quiet voice, "He has his reasons." "She holds the key to paying the debt." I strained to listen for more, but I was alerted to the floorboards' startling squeak. The pair of them pivoted abruptly, their gaze sharpening upon recognizing me.

The man moved forward and demanded, "What are you doing here?" I took a step back when I saw how big and imposing he was, and how serious his attitude was. My heart was racing as I stumbled, "I-I was just walking." "I apologize for interfering." 

The somewhat older but kind-looking woman next to him put a hand on his arm. You're OK, Liam. She's just arrived here. She is still unaware of the restrictions. Liam's expression relaxed a little, but he remained cautious. "Miss Kyra, you shouldn't be here. This location is forbidden. I hurriedly said, "I apologize." "I just had a question. I meant no damage at all.

The woman smiled reassuringly at me. "Come on, let's return you to the estate. This place is easy to get lost in at night. I couldn't get rid of the sensation that their chat was about more as they escorted me back. 

What topic did they discuss? How come they called me a key? My head was filled with questions, but I knew better than to ask. Damon was waiting for me at the mansion's entrance when we got there. 

When he saw me with Liam and the woman, his eyes blazed with rage. "What have you been up to?" His voice was cold as he commanded.

"I went for a walk," 

I said, attempting to maintain my composure. "I didn't know I was intruding," Damon's eyes turned to the woman and Liam. He curtly remarked, "Thank you for bringing her back." "You can go at this time." With a nod, they departed without exchanging words, leaving Damon and myself by ourselves. 

He gave me a long look while maintaining an unreadable expression. The last thing he said was, "Kyra, you need to be more careful." "There are areas of this estate where you should not go." "I was unaware," I muttered. "I wasn't informed,"

With a groan, he combed through his hair. You're ignorant about a lot of things. You must, however, remain on the main grounds for the time being. Do you comprehend? I nodded, curious and frustrated at the same time. "I comprehend." "Good," he said, his voice a little softer. "Go to your room now. It's past midnight. 

Upon reaching my apartments, my thoughts were racing. This place held secrets, secrets that concerned me. Whatever the cost, I was determined to find out what they were.


I felt guilty as I saw Kyra disappear up the stairs. She was now trapped in this world of danger and treachery that I had brought her into. My mother's debt was a huge weight on my shoulders, and Kyra was an innocent person caught in the middle. I was unable to allow her to go into the shadowy areas of our reality. 

If the secrets kept within this home were discovered, they would destroy us all. I had to keep my distance from her even though I wanted to shield her. She served as a constant reminder of the debt that consumed me and could only be paid off in her presence.

Returning to my study, I sat down with a drink and gazed up at the starry sky. I felt so much alone for the first time in a long time, and my responsibilities were weighing me down. Something had been going on inside of me since Kyra arrived—which I hadn't felt in years. But I had to be careful not to let my guard down. Not with so much on the line. I had to keep my feelings for Kyra at bay since the pack depended on me. I had to remain vigilant in order to protect her and make sure she performed her duties. 

I swore silently as I drained my glass. Even if it meant hiding the real nature of our planet from Kyra, I would protect her. She was entitled to a life devoid of the shadows that tormented me. And even if it meant keeping her at a distance, I would stop at nothing to ensure her safety. 

However, I knew in my heart that distance would not be sufficient. Already, Kyra was a member of my pack and a part of my existence. And despite my best efforts, I was unable to ignore the connection between us. For better or worse, this link had the power to transform everything.

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