
A Change in Sequel

Hey, my awesome readers!

I know I had discussed with ya'll about writing the next story about Susi but I think I want to write Opal's next first. I have so many fantastic ideas for her story and I already have the first few chapters thought up. I'm planning to write a ton of it before I publish it here first so I can have my two editors go over it instead of like Lili's story. After I finish Lili's story, both of my editors will be going through and editing the whole thing to make it PERFECT. I know I suck in some places with writing and I don't want to finish this story until they have both gone through and made changes.

My plan is to have them go through the first many chapters of Save Me, My Warlock before I publish any of it here to give you guys the quality you deserve. After Save Me, My Alpha, My Mate is finished with the editing, it will be available in book format too. I plan to merge a bunch of chapters too but we shall see where everything goes. Depending on how much everyone enjoys my stories, I will continue to write more. I do want to get to Su's story eventually but I'm having severe writer's block with it. 

I don't want to give you the typical abused female lead story who falls in love with the Alpha. We all know Su doesn't want to have that sort of responsibility. Not only is she this strong, loved Beta, but she is also one of my favorites in the story.

What are your opinions?

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