
Chapter two

Millie' POV

" This bi*ch has no shame!" My best friend said, forcing a glass of whiskey on rocks into my hand.

" She was not alone there, you know," I replied, dropping on her plushy, pink couch.

Gabrielle could be a successful lawyer, but she always said being a princess was her absolute dream. Her place was almost all pink with some glittery and sparkly accents. It was not my style, but still, I felt at home here.

Especially since my family home was not so welcoming anymore.

My father remarried three years after my mother's death. I was ten at the time. His new wife, Deborah, moved in with her nine-year-old daughter, Sandra. I felt happy for my father, and I wished for him to have someone close.

Unfortunately, from the very beginning I knew that Deborah did not like me much. She was always cold and distant, but my father was smitten with her. He often told me I should give her more time to know me better, and I followed his advice, but nothing changed. Deborah could not accept me.

On the other hand, my father fully accepted Sandra and spoiled her on any occasion. When I grew up, I understood that he was buying himself her love. He cared about me, but he always tried to get Sandra's acceptance. And she knew how to use it to her advantage.

" I hope his di*k will get rotten and fall off," Gabrielle said, yanking me back to reality. She could be a princess, but anger got the best out of her.

I sipped my whiskey, letting the burning liquid travel slowly down my throat.

" You know you can stay here as long as you want," my best friend continued since I was quiet.

" Thank you, but I do not want to be a burden to you. Besides, I have my apartment, " I finally replied.

" Do you really want to go back there?" Gabrielle offered me a puzzled look. I chuckled, leaning back on her comfy sofa. I had to go back there. This place was mine. My father bought it for me when I started my work in the company.

" I have to, even if I do not like the idea," I said, shaking my glass and staring at the twirling liquid.

" I would go there, and I would set this place on fire," Gabrielle replied with a concerned expression.

"Let's keep it as a plan B," I looked at my best friend with a small smile.

My phone rang for the second time today.

" Is it Mr Pumping Di*k?" Gabrielle asked in an angry tone. I looked at the screen and noticed it was my father's number. Probably, he already knew about my adventure today.

" Hello? " I answered the phone with no emotions.

" Mille, where are you? I am so worried about you," My father asked in a concerned tone.

" I am at Gabrielle's house," I replied simply, hoping it would make him calmer.

" Come home. We need to talk," Father said, and I heard Deborah in the background. At least she was not worried.

"Okay," I mumbled and hung up. " It is time for a family meeting," I added, looking at Gabrielle.

" Do you want me to go with you?" She looked at me with hope, but I had to deny her offer. If Gabrielle had been there with me, the hell would have broken. She was always very protective of me, and she knew everything about my situation at home.

" I will be fine. It looks like my Dad would like to console me a little. I will be back soon, " I offered her a reassuring smile.

An hour later.

I arrived at my family home, preparing for whatever awaited me.

My father was waiting for me in the living room. Deborah was by his side. I almost hiss3d, since she was the last person I wanted to see, after what Sandra and Mark did to me.

" Sit down, honey," My Dad spoke as soon as I have kissed his cheeks.

I chose one of the furthest chairs and looked at my father with a genuine interest. Before he had a chance to say anything, the door opened, and Sandra marched inside together with Mark. The smug smile on her face.

I spared them no glance and focused on my father.

" I am all ears,"

" I know you are disappointed with what happened today, but...," My father started speaking, but I interrupted him.

" With all respect, Dad, but I doubt you know how I feel."

" Let your father speak," Debora gave me a cold stare.

" It is not how we wished you to find out."

" You knew?" I gasped, looking at my father, who tried to avoid my sight. They knew, and I was the only one left in the dark.

" Millie, that is love. You cannot fight with that," My father tried to reason with me, but I was boiling with anger. Again, Sandra won.

" My daughter and Mark will get married since Sandra is pregnant." Debora looked at me with a smirk.

A baby? How long it lasted, then? I do not believe she got pregnant today.

I glanced at Mark, but he avoided my sight like my father.

" They will need a place to live, and we decided to give them the apartment in town." Debora continued, and I could not believe my ears.

" This place is mine!" I raised my voice.

" It belongs to your father since he is the owner. You were privileged to live there." My stepmother enjoyed this moment.

" Dad!" This time, I almost yelled, and Sandra gasped.

" Mind your tone. You are in our house." Deborah warned me, but I only looked at my father.

" It is my father's house since he is an owner," I mimicked her tone.

" You were always disrespectful, and my husband was too soft with you." Stepmother stood up, and walked to one of the cupboards. She pulled out the envelope and approached me slowly.

" Sign this, " She said in a dry tone.

I looked at the envelope carefully, too scared to open it. What was inside?

I pulled out a single piece of paper and quickly scanned it. Resignation?

" What is that?" I asked no one in particular.

" Your father gave the company to Mark and Sandra since they have to provide for their future child. I do not think you would feel comfortable around them at work."

" Are you firing me? " I asked in disbelief. My father did not look at me, but he nodded.

" Fine," I said, grabbing the pen from my bag.

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