
Saved by the secret billionaire
Saved by the secret billionaire
Author: Tiny Fairy

Chapter one

Millie's POV

" I think it will be all for today, " I said, standing up. The members of my board nodded and left the conference room.

I sighed with relief. Budget meetings were always long, but today, we managed to finish it in record time. I was buzzing with excitement as it was my and Mark's anniversary. Since all urgent matters were sorted, we had time to celebrate it properly. He was recently complaining about the time I was spending at work. I could understand it, but on the other hand, I did not want to disappoint my father. This place was like a child to him, and I promised to take good care of it.

But today, I was done with my work.

" Goodbye, Lucy," I offered a warm smile to our receptionist on my way to the taxi.

" Goodbye, boss." She replied with a slight nod.

I'm not too fond of cabs, but Mark asked me to borrow him my car since his car broke down not long ago. He was not working today, but I was sure he had planned something for us that required a trip.

We have been together for three years, and I felt like the happiest woman in the world. Mark was handsome and charming, and we shared a similar sense of humor. I could often see how other women looked at him with jealousy, but Mark only focused on me.

The ride to our apartment took me about ten minutes, and I felt growing excitement. I had a feeling that this evening would be very special to me.

And Mark did not disappoint me.

When I came home, I immediately noticed rose petals scattered around the floor and candles in every corner. It was so romantic that I could cry.

I heard the running water, which meant Mark was taking a shower.

' Wouldn't it be nice to join him?' I thought to myself, placing my bag on the hanger in the hall.

Since it was a tempting option, I quickly ran to our bedroom and undressed myself. I put on a bathrobe to cover my nudity. Call me a prude, I do not care.

I approached the bathroom, and my hand froze on the knob when I heard moans coming from inside. Those noises took me by surprise.

Was Mark helping himself with some inappropriate videos? That was not like him at all. Or maybe I was oblivious to that.

I felt a little cheeky today, so I decided to catch him red-handed. It might be fun to watch him explain himself. I would never consider my man to be a naughty boy.

With a wide grin, I turned the knob and pushed the door open.

" Suprise!" I yelled with a giggle.

And indeed, it was a surprise for the three of us.

Mark froze in the middle of pumping the woman, whose breasts were pressed to the shower glass wall, now on full display. I could not see her face as it was covered with wet hair, but I recognized her voice the moment she squealed, covering herself.

It was my stepsister! My fiance was fu*king my step-sister on our third anniversary.

"Millie," he said in a shocked tone, as my presence here surprised him. " What are you doing here?"

" It is my apartment. What is she doing here?" I hissed, pointing at Sandra, who hid behind Mark's back but glared at me with a smirk.

" It is not what you think," Mark said, grabbing a towel to cover himself.

" I think it is exactly what I am thinking," I replied coldly and left the bathroom. I could hear Sandra saying something, but I could not understand it. Not that I cared.

I locked the door and grabbed my clothes to dress myself. I heard someone leaving the bathroom, and soon, Mark was banging at the door.

" Millie, please let me in. Let me explain everything."

When I was ready, I did as he asked, but just to push him away on my way out. I stopped only to grab my keys and bag. When I glanced back, I noticed Sandra standing at the bathroom door. She was still naked. The triumphal smile was dancing on her lips.

I left the house before they could see my breakdown.

When I finally reached my car, the hot tears rolled down my cheeks.

This evening was supposed to be remarkable. And indeed it was.

I have started my car, not sure, when I am supposed to go.

The answer came almost immediately. My phone rang, and it was my best friend, Gabrielle.

" How are the little doves?" She chirped as soon as I picked up the phone.

" Can I stay at your place for a while? " I asked in a shaky voice.

" Is it wine or whiskey?"

" Whiskey," I replied immediately. That was Gabrielle, she did not ask any questions.

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