
Scarred Mate Of The Alpha Brothers
Scarred Mate Of The Alpha Brothers
Author: Abiola Akintewe

Mate Of The Alpha Brothers

Chapter One


Right from the moment I set my eyes on him, I felt a sudden breakthrough of all prisoned nerves and muscles of my body. It was as if a torrent of warmth and ease flowed down my length. The voice I had never heard, the one which I had always hoped to hear—the voice of my wolf. I heard it for the first time.

“He is our mate!” It was a silent and hushed whisper that sent a cold shiver down my spine. I froze.

The way he stared at me made every reluctance in me melt away. He gazed at me with intensity, his eyes filled with admiration and longing, one which I last saw on the faces of men coming to my father to ask for my hand in marriage years ago.

Ugly. Wolf-less. Old witch. Slave. Chipmunk. Old hag.

All of those were names I had been called for the last three years since the fire accident, where I lost my face and wolf.

“You are eighteen, but you look thirty.” I remember my stepmother saying that right to my face.

For the past three years, I have had to live with the constant insults, torment, and abuse from people around me, including my own father. The main reason I was like this was that I wanted to save him. I went into the fire to save him, but he was never grateful.

He had said, “I never told you to come in there to save me; you made the decision to ruin your as life. I didn’t force you.”

My whole world crumbled the day he said that to me. I wished the heavens could hear my cry and turn back the hands of the clock so I would change my decision to go into the fire to save him.

It was just a few days to my eighteenth birthday then, and I was excited to find my mate. After I won the stages of the beauty pageant competition a number of times, we were always greeted by a lot of suitors, asking me to get mated to them, but I never wanted to be with someone who wasn’t my mate.

I was so happy and excited; I couldn’t wait to feel that mate bond with my mate. But when our farmhouse caught fire with my father in it, I had to go in to save him.

That decision led me to the situation I was in—living with multiple scars and unable to go out without mask on. All of these still didn’t stop the constant tortures from my family, I was no longer the one they were proud of, I was rather forced to stay inside whenever there was a visitor.

I just wanted to make my way out these tortures, and that had started that with the exclusive admission I got into the popular EclipsarumElite Sancta Royal Institute, the number one werewolf institution in the 10 kingdoms that made the pack, after I saved the Alpha’s most precious horse. I was going to give up on everything that day, until everything changed.

Standing right at the center of the school’s hallway, it was as if I had escaped from the walls of torture that I had been confined in for the past three years. Even though I knew I would still go back home to start the same miserable experience with my family, I still wanted to put all of that behind and live a new life here.

“There is the annex hall.” The professor that was showing me around pointed, but I wasn’t following.

My gaze was fixed on the guy standing before me with his tall figure and dazzling emerald green eyes. He had silver long hair that was pulled back in a ponytail, his straight pointed nose stood above a perfectly structured jaw. If I could guess right, he would be of the same age as I was, but no one could tell.

Like my stepmother said, I looked thirty, and I already resulted in acting like one. It was easier to act older than my age than to deal with the constant insults whenever I tell anyone my real age.

Yes, I look older than my age! And that was the only reason I was admitted into the level I was supposed to be if I had been going to school after the incident. As a child, I was a very fast learner which made me skip a lot of grades and just when I was about to enter college, the incident happened and I had to stay back home, but now, I got the chance to not just resume back to school, but also to the level I was supposed to be. All thanks to my face.

EclipsarumElite Sancta Royal Institute, as its name goes, was a well-known school that just anyone can’t think of attending. It was meant for just the royals. It was an institution that was founded by the Pack Alpha’s lineage, and the only ones allowed in the school are the elites, as its name says. The kids of the elders, ministers, councils, and Royal guards, not a single commoner was allowed into the school.

I had always wanted to attend the school, which was the reason I started going out for the beauty pageants. I had just one more competition to go, and if I could win that, I would be given an exclusive admission into the school, but I was struck by my ill-fate. I lost my face and I could no longer continue. I later got to know that my stepsister went to stand in place of me and eventually won the competition, giving her the chance to be admitted into the school.

For the past three years, I have had to watch her living my own dreams, while I was back home, hiding from the gnawing eyes of people whenever they see me.

But there I was, standing at the hallway of the same school I had always wanted to go, it was like a dream come true.

“Your highness.” The professor bowed, towards the stunning figure that had been standing in front of us for minutes.

Your highness?

“I forgot to tell you, but the sons of the Alpha attend this school as well. The three Alpha princes of the Eclipsarum Pack.” He informed, and I gasped audibly.

The three alpha brothers weren’t new to me, or anyone in the pack. I had heard a lot about them even though I had never seen them before. They were said to be a bully, and I’ve heard how brutal they can be, but standing face to face with one of them, with the unusual surge and tumbling of my wolf in me, I couldn’t believe it.

The alpha prince was my mate?

“He is Alpha prince Ulric, and he is going to be one of your level mates.” He turned to me with a wide smile. “You have to be careful around him.” He whispered silently.

“Make proper introduction!” A loud deep voice came at us, echoing between the walls.

I turned slowly to see another guy walking towards us, just as stunning as Alpha prince Ulric standing before me. Who could he be? Marching towards us with numbers of people following behind him.

“I am sorry, your highness.” The professor bowed. “This is Alpha prince Kael; he is also one of your level mates.”

I just stood frozen. Two of the brothers?

“You know what I mean by proper introduction, don’t make me stop the whole school activities because of this!” He thundered, his face contorting with rage.

“Please, forgive me, your highness.” He bowed again, and I felt pity on his spinal cord; it could break anytime soon. “Alpha prince Kael is the first son of the alpha.” He added, and pointed to me. “She is a new student.”

The loud laugh that erupted from the angle Prince Kael was standing sent my whole body shaking. He clapped as he laughed, and each step he took towards me sent a torrent of shocks through my veins.

When he got to me, I quickly withdrew my gaze and turned away, but his warm hand on my shoulder drew my eyes back to him.

There, the tumbling, surge, howling, and uneasiness of my once-thought-dead wolf started again. The silent whisper echoed in my ears one more time. “Our mate!”

My eyes widened, mate? He was my mate too?

“How dare you look me in the eyes!” He barked, and my head quickly turned down, but he raised it back up. “Only the beauties are allowed to look into my eyes, and that only happens whenever I am fucking the hell out of them.” He seized my jaw. “You have no single right to look me in the eyes, you fucking old piece of shit! Your face and the floor could be twins, so just look down!”

The laughter, claps, and his victorious walk back to his gang after that sent tears down my face, I wish I had worn my mask, but it wasn’t allowed with the uniform. I quickly sniffled and wiped the tears off when I saw students gathering around, staring at me as if there was something on my face.

Oh! There was! The scars, and probably the most ugly face they’ve ever seen.

Just then, the crowded students began to make way; the attentions and focus were directed from me to the path the students had already cleared.

There, he approached from the straight line, with couples of students following behind him too, his gold hair braided into cornrows. He had the most daring and commanding look I had ever seen.

The professor cleared his throat. “This is the last of the brothers, Alpha prince Valko, also one of your level mates.”

“How dare you call us brothers!” Prince Kael growled, and in the fastest speed, I had ever seen, he got to the professor and threw a hard punch to his face. He didn’t give him a chance to recover from that before grabbing his collar. “The next time you call us brothers, you will be six feet away from everyone here!”

“I…I am sorry, your highness.” He shivered, licking off the blood from his lips.

“And the last?” Prince Valko roared from where he was, and with just a snap of his finger, another punch landed on the professor’s face. “Teach him a minute lesson!”

The professor’s cries and shout for help filled the hallway; he was being beaten up by Prince Valko’s gang, and no one made an attempt to help him, not a single person. But I couldn’t watch that.

“Stop!” I shouted and rushed to them, but I got thrown back with a forceful push.

I fell hard to the floor, my bones cracking as I struggled to stand.

“You could have just minded your business.”

I swallowed hard at the sound of the close voice and hot breath on my cheeks. I wished I could stop my wolf, but the surging and intense heat from within started again.

My hand flew to my mouth as my breath caught in my throat when I heard the voice again. “He is our mate! Time to feast!” My wolf whined, making a soft melodic howl.

My body shook involuntarily as a quirky rhythm interrupted my breathing; I began to hiccup. The three notorious and bully alpha princes were my mates? I could never have imagined that.

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