
Welcome To Eclipsarum Sancta Royal Institute

Chapter Three


“You know she is our mate, don’t you?” Aries, my wolf said to me, but I completely ignored him.

Yes! I knew she was my mate. I knew that right from the moment I set my eyes on her, but how was I supposed to accept her when I was already torn between two women in my life?

One was her, the most beautiful lady I had ever seen. Her beauty radiated from the very long, flowing blonde hair that crashed down her shoulder like a cascade of sunlight, her lips were adorned with a natural captivating curve that invited admiration and made me want to kiss her every single time I see her, and her jawline was sculpted with elegance, which added a touch of grace to her perfect features.

The contours of her nose complemented the harmony of her perfectly arched eyebrows that framed her captivating eyes.

Speaking of eyes, they were an enthralling hue, perhaps a captivating shade of electric or Caribbean blue. She was, and she remained the most beautiful lady I had ever seen in my entire existence.

I saw her for the first time at the beauty pageant competition, when I followed my father, the alpha, and I knew right from that moment that she was mine, she was my mate.

I had been unable to get her off my head since then, even though I never got a chance to speak to her. The day I was going to speak to her was the day I was told she left the kingdom and would never return. I didn’t even get to ask her name, but made my findings and got to know. Maelis, arguably the most beautiful lady in the pack.

For the last three years, I had been waiting for her to return, I had the hope that I would meet her again, someday. I believed that I would see my mate again.

I thought the moon goddess was on my side until I got struck with the news that I had a betrothed.

I got stuck with either moving on with the one betrothed to me whom I had no bit of bond for, or wait for the one whose thought had clouded my heart and rendered me completely cold for years.

As if that wasn’t enough, the moon goddess played another trick on me by giving me another mate. What was her name again?

“You didn’t let her speak.” Aries whined.

“I know you want her, but can you let me think, please.”

“There’s nothing to think about; she is our mate, she is ours to have, ours to claim.” He stopped, and I heard the soft, melodic howl. I knew what was coming next. “Ours to kiss, ours to fuck.”

I knew it!

Aries was always like this; he was the same way when I met Maelis. I was intimidated by her beauty and got anxiety whenever I thought about speaking to her. I was scared she would turn me down, and Aries would make a fuss about my cowardliness. Aside from Maelis, he never gave me this same feeling and sign, not even towards my betrothed, but I could now feel every single feeling and bond I felt with Maelis with the new girl. The sweet and irresistible scent that swirled around her, I wasn’t sure I would be able to hold my wolf back for a long time.

The rush and influx of Aries’s emotions and longing through my veins, I hadn’t felt that in a while, since Maelis left. I knew it would be very difficult to stay away from the new girl; she brought the same warmth Maelis brought, but I still had the hope that she would be back to me, so I wanted to buy as much time as I could to wait for her.

I finished wearing a new shirt and wore back my jacket; I headed for the reading table, took my seat on the chair and booted the computer. For the last three years, Maelis’s picture had been the one on my welcome and home screen. During the pageants, I secretly took pictures of her and kept it safe; the pictures were the only memories I had of her, and I had held on to it with great care.

Call it obsession or whatever; I had Maelis’s picture pasted all over my room back at the Royal castle. I also had a passport photograph of her in my wallet that I go around with; I just wanted to have a part of her or a memory of her with me, wherever I go.

The loud sound for the student call in came on again, and I stood up, heading out of my resting room. Each of my brothers had their resting room too; even though mine was the smallest, I was still glad that I could share something that they have.

Since childhood, I wasn’t allowed to share the least thing with them; they wouldn’t even allow me to eat the same food they were eating because I was nothing but the son of a mistress.

The palace maids and guards treated me differently from the way they treated my brothers; I was just on the same level as kids birthed by the slaves.

It was never my fault that my mother was a mistress; why do I have to take the blame and pain for all of that? I couldn’t live my life the way I wanted because, to everyone, I was a Royal, but back home, I was nothing but a dog who would eat off the leftovers of my brothers.

Even with all of these, I never for once harbored any hatred towards them; they were my brothers, and I had grown with the same love I had for them when we were still very young and had nothing to worry about. Not food, not the clothes to wear, not the throne.

“Get out of my way!”

I staggered from the forceful push but quickly grabbed a pillar to support myself. It was Kael.

I watched as he walked past me, entering into the class without looking back at me. Kael was the oldest; he wasn’t that smart with anything, not school works or politics. He sees me as a threat because compared to him, I was always deemed to be smart at everything I do, which was the exact reason I was in the same level as he and Valko were.

Each of them saw me as a threat to their throne for their own reasons; I had tried to make them understand a number of times that I had no bit of interest in the throne, but they never believed me.

I just wanted to live my life, one in which I wouldn’t have to make decisions based on the wants of others; I crave so much for a life of happiness and solitude. I sighed when I got to the door before going in.

As usual, all eyes diverted to my direction; I had grown to so much peering eyes, whether admiring me or speaking ill of me, but it always felt the same, uncomfortable.

Most times, I would stay away from people so I could get my peace, and be away from their intimidating gaze.

I found my seat and sat down; the professor came in almost immediately, taking his position on the stage.

“Good morning to you all.” Professor Khan greeted, then turned to the direction Kael was sitting and bowed. “Good morning, your highness.” It was a tradition Kael created; whoever comes into the class without greeting him specially would have themselves to blame at the end of it.

“May you live long!” He beamed.

“You’ll do really great as the alpha of this pack.” One of his friends avowed.

“We are supposed to have a new student today, where is she? What’s her name?” He asked and looked down at the files with him, searching through it. “I forgot her file at the office. Does anyone know her and where she is?”

I looked around, but she was nowhere to be found. The last time I saw her was back at my resting room, after I asked her to leave for the class, I thought she came to the class directly, but she wasn’t there.

If she wasn’t here, where could she be? She knew little to nowhere in the school.

“Well, when she is here, tell her to see me.” He readjusted his glasses on his nose and began his lecture, but I couldn’t hear anything.

My mind was clouded, with thoughts of the new girl, where she could be. I tried to make myself believe that I was just being worried about her because I was responsible for every new student as the school’s administrator principal student, but I knew deep down that it wasn’t just because of that, but also because she was my mate.

“Can you feel her? Is she dead or something?”

“My mate is not dead!” Aries growled. “Find her or have me remain silent forever.”

“Attitude!” I smirked, still gazing around, taking a good look at each and everyone’s faces to be sure I wasn’t missing anyone.

Then, I saw the empty spaces at the back of the class. If the gang sitting there were not in class, that could only mean one thing.

Without thinking twice, I jumped up from the chair and rushed out of the class. I heard the professor calling out to me as I ran off, but I didn’t wait.

I picked up my legs to their favorite spot, and I wasn’t wrong. I could hear her screams and cries for help from afar.

I sped towards them. “Stop!” I yelled out. “Stop right now!”

I already knew from the moment I didn’t see the gang in the class that it could be one thing; Lucia was behind it.

Lucia was my betrothed, obsessed with me the same way I was obsessed with Maelis.

“Hey! Honey.” She stood up and did her usual routine of cat-walking to me. Her hand swung around my neck and she nibbled on my chest. “I missed you.”

I pulled her back. “What have you done? She is a new student!”

“That doesn’t give her the right to hold your hand and come into your resting room!” She retorted, the rage on her face immediately replaced with a wide smile. “You know you are mine alone, and I will do worse to anyone who tries to take you away from me!”

She was always like this; even after I had made her understand several times that I do not have any bit of feeling towards her, she still continued to persist.

I shook my head. “The earlier you understand, the better.” I pushed her away and rushed to the floor, beside the new girl; her face was swollen and her clothes torn from being beaten up. Well, every new student had a first day story like hers.

“Welcome to ElipsarumElite Sancta Royal Institute.” I flashed a faint smile at her, trying to make her feel good. I stretched out my hand to help her up.

She peered at me; her swollen, puffy red face radiated from a mixture of fury and pain. Did I say anything wrong?

She shook her head and sniffled before yanking my hand off.

“You and everyone else in this school should go to fucking hell!” She struggled up and barged into me as she walked away.

I felt a sharp pain shoot across my chest, down to every other part of my body as I watched her staggering away, her legs bruised and her uniform stained. Maybe I shouldn’t have let her go all alone; maybe I should have followed her.

“This is all your fault!” Aries howled.

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