
The Bully Alpha Brothers

Chapter Two


“Who could you be?” Prince Valko questioned.

I couldn’t speak; my words got caught up in my throat. I peered intensely at him. Does he know? Do they all know? That they were my mates? Can they feel the same bond I was feeling?

I could never have imagined that the alpha princes would be my mates, not in this world, not in the next.

“I really hate to repeat myself.”

I swallowed hard, forcing down the lump in my throat. “I…I am a new student here.” I stuttered, the quirky rhythm of my hiccups continued to echo in my ears.

“What? You are what?”

“A new...a new student.”

He burst into a contemptuous laughter, clapping his hands sarcastically. “A new student?” He held his stomach, exaggerating his laughter. “Has the standard of this school fallen so much to admit someone like this thing into this school?” He asked rhetorically.

I hung my head. He was right. I was no way up to the students in the school, but at the same time, I earned my place there; I didn’t crawl in or came in a deceitful way. I fucking earned it!

I wished I could say that to him, but his intimidating gaze and constant sneering of his upper lips pushed my words back.

“Stop!” He ordered, and his gangs stopped beating the professor. He got to them and pulled him up from the floor. “What is the story? Why is that thing here?”

The professor bowed; his clothes were rough and some parts had been torn, with blood stain all over him. He cleared his throat. “She..she saved the Alpha’s horse and was awarded with an admission into the school.”

The other students didn’t give him the chance to continue before they all burst into laughter. The echoes of their laughter were like daggers tearing through my skin; I felt embarrassed.

“So, she is just a commoner?” One of them asked.

“Does that mean she belongs to the lowest of the lowest rank of students here?”

They continued to taunt, hurling scornful words and insults at me. It wasn’t new and wasn’t the first time, but it felt as hurtful as the first. I had always tried my best to avoid these insults and stayed home since the incident; I thought this would be my one chance to finally embrace myself and live as I pleased, but I was wrong, totally wrong.

“I mean, look at her face, even the doors here have a more smooth surface than it.” The familiar voice said.

I turned, and my heart shattered into a million pieces when I saw my stepsister. She said that.

She wasn’t happy when she heard the news that I would be joining the same school; she even wanted to make me reject the admission, but I was determined. Maybe I should have just given up and rejected the admission; I wouldn’t be in the midst of numbers of students, being beaten by words from each end.

“Don’t you all have something to do? Are you that pathetic and jobless?” The cold, at the same time warm, deep, and a bit hoarse voice echoed through the walls of the hallway and clapped back at us. My intestines summersaulted at the sound of the voice.

I turned and looked ahead, to see him once again, his eyes flashing at me, melting off every single word that had been spoken to me.

He shook his head and moved from where he was. The closer he moved to us, the faster my heart beat; it felt as if my heart was going to explode when he finally got to us, looking into my eyes as if he could see through them.

He then turned, to the students, and shook his head once again. “Is this how you welcome a new student to the school?” He questioned, his brows furrowed.

A sense of warmth and calmness washed over me; I felt calm down to the sole of my shoes. Someone was finally standing up for me, no one had ever done that.

“You all should…”

“You have no right to talk to us that way!” The voice which I now recognized as Prince Kael’s thundered.

Before Prince Ulric could turn to him, he kicked him from behind, making him land on the floor with his face.

“Good for you!” He snarled.

Prince Ulric stood up and wiped the blood from his broken lips with his shirt. He sighed. “Brother, I wasn’t…”

“How many times will I tell you not to address me as your brother!” Prince Kael growled and seized his shirt, dragging him close. “I am not a brother to you! Have you forgotten who you are? You are just a fucking son of a damn mistress!”

I saw the pain and anguish spreading across Prince Ulric’s face. I knew the three alpha princes were from different mothers, but I never knew one was from a mistress; it was strange news.

“Brother, I am…”

“I am not your fucking brother!” He yelled and punched his face.

Prince Ulric staggered but was dragged close before he could gain his balance. “Call me that one more time, and you’ll be digging your own grave.” He sneered and chuckled. “I was even having a tough time choosing who to clear off first between you and that thing.” He pointed at Prince Valko. “You’ll be sparing me the stress of having to choose between you two if you can just call me that again.”

“What did you say? You are going to clear me off?” Prince Valko chimed in. He yanked Prince Kael’s grip on Prince Ulric away and gripped him instead. “I dare you! Fucking do it!”

“Oh! Right? Is that what you want?” Prince Kael retorted and twisted Prince Valko’s hand, giving him an uppercut which sent him staggering.

In a second, the gangs of the two princes faced each other, grabbing whatever they could and fighting each other like their life depended on it.

Maybe this school wasn’t the right place for me. I thought I would be getting away from my family’s tortures and insults, but this was more than I had imagined.

My wobbly legs pushed me back, and I hid behind one of the pillars as I watched them throwing punches at each other with their blood-stained shirts.

“Come with me!” The warm hand grabbed mine and pulled me away from the chaos. It was Prince Ulric.

I wasn’t sure where he was taking me, but he knew the school better than me, so I just followed him, running behind him. I watched as the bond holding his silver hair slipped down until his hair came crashing upon his shoulders. Maybe it was because I had been indoors for years; I had never seen a man with such long hair.

We got to a door, and he pushed it open, pulling me in and locking the door behind.

It took me some minutes to realize that I was in a room, all alone with him.

I looked around; it was a small space with a medium-sized bed at one end of the room and a reading table at the other end. There was a light projector and filming instruments on the side. I continued to look around until my eyes met his.

My body shook when he pulled off his jacket and began to unbutton his shirt, still keeping his gaze fixed on mine. My toes curled inside my shoes; I knew he was my mate, but isn’t it too fast to do this?

“I…I know it might be the bond, but aren’t we going too fast?” The words already came out before I realized that it was loud enough for him to hear. When I saw him still staring at me, showing interest in what I was saying, I continued. “We could take things slow, one at a time, and we…”

“Shh.” I froze; his finger was on my lips. “I hate noise.” That was all he said before he pulled back and resumed unbuttoning his shirt.

He then pulled off his shirt, revealing his broad and sculpted shoulders, which commanded my attention, and his torso that showcased his chiseled abdomen, his sinewy and powerful muscular arms that compliment his shoulders and torso to create a physique that exuded power and command. I continued to swallow hard to clear the lump that wouldn’t stop forming in my throat.

When I looked up to meet his gazing eyes, which were filled with longing just like the first time I saw him, I was forced to speak again. “We shouldn’t be doing this; we should take things slow; we might end up regretting it if we just jump into this without a proper introduction. My name is...”

“Quiet!” His hand circled around my waist and pulled me closer to himself swiftly. My hands became cold when they fell on his bare chest. “I do not care about you or your name. I brought you here because I am responsible for every new student in this school. I was supposed to take you on an orientation after the professor, but that happened.”

I was relieved, and at the same time, disappointed.

“And this.” He pointed to the shirt he pulled off. “I can’t go about with a stained cloth; I have to change it, so stop those silly thoughts racing through your mind. You are not my type.” He pulled away and headed towards the bed.

I am not his type? Does he not know that I was his mate? Or was I just the one feeling this way? I was confused.

He was about to get to the bed when the loud sound of music came on. He stopped and turned back to me. “Leave; we will see during lunchtime.” He said, giving a dismissive wave.

Slowly, I turned and dragged my legs out of the room. I was about to leave when I saw a lady approaching, her skimpy skirt swaying from one end to the other, and some other ladies following behind her, pointing at me from afar. I was confused; was something wrong?

“Drag her to the point!” The lady ordered, and I was immediately grabbed on both sides. “You have a lot to answer!” She added, rage and fury evident in her voice.

I didn’t even know who she was; I had never seen her before, but she already has a problem with me? It was just my first day; how worse can it get?

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