
Chapter 2

It took every ounce of courage I had to tremulously tap open the second video clip.

In the video, Max was shown bathing in a transparent glass shower, and two used condoms were lying on the carpet.

The mistress purposefully zoomed in and asked Max in the video, "Max, you're so naughty, lying to your wife about being busy with work out of town."

"How else would I find time to be with you?" he replied.

"Isn't she about to give birth? Shouldn't you be there for her?"

Max responded nonchalantly, "What's so special about a woman giving birth? If I were there, would it make her suffer any less?"

"You bad boy! Is it because your wife is pregnant and it's inconvenient that you can't bear to touch her, and now you're so horny? Tonight, I almost broke under you."

"Do you think she tastes as good as you?" Max scoffed dismissively, "Even if she wasn't pregnant, I would be too lazy to touch her."

"Liar, if you're too lazy to touch her, how did she get pregnant? Could it be that the child in her belly is from another man?"

Max did not respond.

The woman pressed on, "So, Max, when are you actually going to divorce her?"

Max spoke in a soothing tone, "Baby, please be patient, okay? Now is not the right time. I will not go back on my promise to you."

The woman sounded annoyed, "Then tell me, when is the right time?"

"Wait until she..."

The video abruptly ended there.

Even though I knew it was the mistress intentionally provoking me, I still fell into her trap.

I immediately called her and demanded, "Who exactly are you?"

She seemed to anticipate my call and calmly replied, "Who I am doesn't matter. What matters is that I just slept with your husband."

I could hear the sound of running water through the phone; Max must have been showering, which gave her the audacity to openly taunt me.

My heart twisted in pain, and I clenched my teeth to hold back tears as I snapped, "Don't you have any shame?"

"I wouldn't be stealing your husband if I had any shame," she casually laughed, taunting me further, "Jen, if you really care, why don't you just divorce him and make space for me?"

"You..." I was about to hurl back an insult when suddenly Max's voice came through the phone, "Baby, who are you talking to?"

"Your wife," the woman playfully cooed.

Max chuckled and said, "Baby, you're so naughty."

"Do you really not believe me?"

"I believe you. Let her listen closely to how I make love to you."

Then, the phone transmitted a series of vile and indecent flirtations.

I figured the woman had hidden the phone, deliberately letting me hear the disgusting sounds of her and Max being intimate in bed.

Disgusted to the core, I hung up the phone.

Today, I discovered a hidden side of my husband, who had been seen as a devoted and exemplary spouse for many years. Tears streamed down my face as my heart felt like it was being ripped apart.

During the early stages of my pregnancy, I struggled with low progesterone and severe morning sickness. Even a sip of water would make me vomit.

The doctor recommended bed rest, and Max insisted that I quit my job to focus on the pregnancy. With more time at home, I often found myself scrolling through the internet and stumbling upon various posts by pregnant women whose husbands had cheated on them during their pregnancies.

Occasionally, I would share these posts with Max, expressing my shock and dismay. How could a man betray his wife when she was going through such a life-threatening ordeal, risking her life to bring their child into the world?

Max would always comfort me, assuring me that if he ever cheated, I should grind him up and use him to plaster the walls or throw him down the drain, wishing him misfortune in this life and the next.

He would also say, "Baby, don't worry about such nonsense. Nothing could make my love for you fade away. You have my whole heart for my whole life."

I used to believe with certainty that while any man in the world might cheat, my Max never would!

How foolish that belief seems now, doesn't it?

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