
Second Chance at Love: From Divorcee to the Billionaire's Bride
Second Chance at Love: From Divorcee to the Billionaire's Bride
Author: Mellow Forest

Chapter 1

Last night at ten o'clock, when I was getting ready to go to sleep, I got a call from an unknown number in our city.

The voice on the line, clear and pleasant, asked, "Are you Jen Middleton?"

I didn't hesitate and said, "Yes, that's me. Who's this?"

Instead of answering, the woman laughed and said, "Your husband is so wild in bed"

I was completely confused and was about to ask who she was and how she knew anything about my husband, but the call was abruptly cut off, leaving a dial tone.

At first, I thought it was just a prank and didn't think much of it.

But as soon as I hung up the phone, a troubling thought crossed my mind: if it was just a prank, how did the caller know my name so accurately?

Lost in my thoughts, I received a video through text from the same unknown number, followed by a message.

"Don't believe it? Take a close look at the true colors of your husband, Max Jennings."

Even the mention of my husband’s name ‘Max Jennings' was alarmingly accurate.

A few seconds after my mind went blank, curiosity got the better of me and I pressed play.

Instantly, the sound of a woman moaning loudly came from my phone, shockingly loud against the silence of my bedroom. I quickly turned the volume down!

Once I had calmed down, I glanced at the screen. It showed a hotel room with a king-sized bed, clothes strewn all over the floor, and two bodies intertwined—a sight so explicit I could only describe it as downright obscene.

I was infuriated, thinking to myself, who would be so thoughtless as to send a pornographic video to a pregnant woman in the middle of the night?

Just as I was about to turn it off, a familiar voice came from the video.

"My little pussycat, twice isn't enough for you?"

It felt like a bucket of cold water had been poured over me. I froze and stared intently at my phone screen.

Then, the man's face appeared—he was slapping the woman's behind and boasting smugly, "Do you want to drain me completely?"

I was stunned; my entire body went rigid.

The man in the video was my husband, Max, who was supposed to be on a business trip in North City!

It felt like a bolt from the blue, completely paralyzing my ability to think.

I forced myself to calm down and watched the video several times.

Eventually, I was certain it wasn't doctored.

Even the timestamp in the top right corner showed tonight's date, just minutes ago.

This means that my husband, Max Jennings, was using his business trip as a cover to cheat on me with his mistress in a hotel!

Seeing Max's face in the video— a face I could recognize even if it were burned to ashes— left me utterly devastated.

Just last night, Max called me, complaining about how difficult the client was, saying, "If I don't drink myself under the table tonight, we won't secure the contract." He apologized profusely, "Baby, I'm sorry. As soon as I sober up tomorrow morning, I'll fly right back. Your giving birth is a big deal, and I must be by your side to witness the birth of our baby!"

Over the past few years, many entrepreneurs have faced severe losses due to the pandemic and a tough economic climate. Although Max lost some money, he wasn't hit as hard as others.

After I became pregnant, he said he needed to create a good life for our baby, which meant working harder than ever to earn money. He often drank to the point of blacking out, missing his flights, and getting stranded.

I felt sorry for him, constantly networking for the company's benefit, and told him not to rush, to take his time, and come back when he was ready. I was only 39 weeks pregnant, not yet at my due date, and I told him not to worry.

Looking back now, my accommodating attitude seems almost laughable.

Were the days he got drunk and missed his flights really spent at business meetings?

As someone who cannot stand deceit, I immediately called Max.

However, he hung up after just two rings!

Shortly after, Max sent a voice message through WhatsApp.

"I'm in a meeting right now, babe. Can't talk on the phone, but I miss you!"

A meeting?

Is that what he calls being in bed with another woman?

Filled with grief and rage, I was about to call him again when I received another video from the same person.

This new video was even more disgusting and infuriating!

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