
Chapter 7

Max brought me to see the baby at the hospital. The baby's body was being kept there temporarily. It was wrapped in a white cloth and placed in a cold compartment, appearing curled up like a small kitten.

Max explained that our daughter had congenital defects affecting her limbs and heart. Additionally, her amniotic fluid had dried up before the cesarean delivery, resulting in her being stillborn.

As I gazed at the tiny, cold bundle, tears streamed down my face. It felt as though the whole world was collapsing around me. How could fate be so cruel?

In the end, I fainted in Max's arms. The emotional turmoil caused my wound to tear severely. Over the next two weeks, I rarely left my bed. I fainted multiple times from crying and was afraid to sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, all I could see was the deformed body of our baby.

I didn't utter a word to Max, isolating myself in a small, solitary world. I felt like a lifeless shell.

Within those two weeks, I lost over forty pounds.

On the day I left the hospital, Max showed up late in the afternoon, claiming he had a last-minute work emergency. He wrapped me tightly, afraid that I might catch a cold.

But as I leaned against him, I caught a whiff of a distinct perfume scent, one that belonged to a woman. Huh... he sure was busy.

The child's body hadn't been cremated yet, and he was busy indulging with his mistress!

I pushed away from his embrace and walked home alone in the cold wind.

He probably thought I was grieving too much, not realizing that I found him repulsive.

During those days, I was consumed by the sorrow of losing the child and had no energy to deal with Max's affair.

It's not that I didn't care, but after regaining clarity, I found the matter of the child's deformity suspicious.

With today's medical technology, it's impossible not to detect the baby's deformity after so many prenatal check-ups.

Yes, I had to sign the prenatal check-up forms each time, which stated that the medical results couldn't guarantee the baby's development would be flawless, citing some special cases.

But what were the chances?

Heart development might be difficult to detect, but what about limbs?

After so many ultrasounds, they couldn't see that the baby's limbs were deformed?!

I decided to find out whether it was a problem with my body or a medical accident before dealing with Max.

But little did I know, before I could even make a move, that woman couldn't hold back any longer!

One night, after taking a bath, I received another text from her.

This time, it was a photo.

I clicked on the photo and was immediately taken aback.

The woman was sitting on Max's lap, wearing a black silk slip dress with lace trim. Although her face was not visible, the dress looked familiar. The straps were slipping off her shoulders, revealing plenty of cleavage.

Wait a minute! Why did her slip dress look so familiar?!

Just as anger started to boil inside me, my phone buzzed again. The woman had sent me a message, asking, "Jen, do you think I look sexier in this slip dress than you?"

I sat on the bed, dumbfounded. It was the same slip dress that Max had given me before I got pregnant. It left a deep impression on me because it was the night of our consummation, a gift from Max.

Due to the passing of my parents, I was too devastated to be intimate with him. This limited our intimacy to just kisses.

Additionally, during Max's early days as an entrepreneur, he was extremely busy. Once I adjusted my mood and resumed my studies, Max didn't pressure me regarding consummation. Instead, he was understanding and accommodating.

Therefore, after a year of adjusting to my parents' death and graduating from graduate school, I felt it was time.

Max was overjoyed, and that same afternoon, he had a black silk slip dress with lace trim delivered to me via express delivery. It was both sexy and elegant.

That night, which happened to be Valentine's Day, Max was away on a business trip in Sarolina. Since he couldn't make it back, I decided to go to Sarolina for a little vacation since I was free.

Max had reserved a room at the Waldorf Hotel. By the time I arrived in Sarolina, it was already past nine in the evening. After taking a refreshing shower and putting on a nightgown, I poured myself a glass of the red wine he had ordered and waited for him to finish his business.

A month after that very night, I discovered I was pregnant.

As for the slip dress, I thought it was’nt too revealing, and since it's usually just the two of us at home, I originally planned to wear it as a nightgown in the future. However, Max disagreed, claiming it wasn't suitable for a pregnant woman and that it might arouse him.

I decided to fold the dress and put it at the bottom of a box.

I set my phone aside and hurriedly searched through the wardrobe. After several attempts, I still couldn't find it. I distinctly remember putting it in a bag and setting it aside with the clothes I wasn't wearing!

To think that Max gave my clothes to his mistress, how disgusting can he be! What other shameless things has he done?!

At that moment, I really wanted to confront him, even to strangle that unfaithful jerk!

That night, I sat on the edge of the bed wearing the slip dress from my pregnancy days. When Max walked in, his face darkened slightly upon seeing what I was wearing. He subtly suggested that I change into something else.

I chuckled coldly, went to the wardrobe, pretended to search, and then calmly asked him, "Where is my black silk slip dress?"

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