
Chapter 21 : A Spark of Hope


The door to my modest apartment clicked shut behind me, the echo of its finality resonating in my chest. I stood there, still clutching my suitcase, feeling a profound sense of sadness and disconnection. The stark contrast between the humble confines of my home and the opulent estate I had just left behind served as a painful reminder of the differences that separated me from David.

I dropped my suitcase to the floor and leaned against the door, unable to hold back the tears that threatened to escape. I could never fit into David's universe, particularly when compared to someone like Victoria. She was born in the same world as him. I wasn't.

The cruel truth was that our worlds were galaxies apart.

Realization hit me like a wrecking ball. My brief romance with David had come to an end. I wiped away the tears cascading down my cheeks. I missed him already, so much that it hurt. The longing for his touch, the warmth of his smile, and the taste of his lips was almost unbearable
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