
Who killed her?


Charlotte stood up, almost knocking off the chair she was sitting on. Both of them in the room stared at her like dealing with some devil. She frightened both of them just with her fierce look. All these situations wake her to another tough face inside her.

“I think you could sit down. I won’t be telling your personal issues to anyone. It’s none of my business.” The lady clearly told, looking a little frightened.

“Iam not going to sit down. Thanks for understanding” Charlotte folded her hands across her chest. She’s ready to escape the room once the fingerprints got matched.

“Um... the fingerprints are...” the man trailed off, looking at the computer. Charlotte holds her breath, waiting for him to finish.

“It's not a match. You can go. Sorry for troubling you,” he finished, giving Charlotte shock and confusion. She doesn’t know whether to feel glad or further overthink about this. She simply nodded her head and walked away, slamming the door shut. When she got out, Caleb and Chloe are waiting for her outside the classroom. They still stayed even after every teacher glared at them for bunking the class.

For a second, Charlotte moved towards them. No one spoke any word. There’s utter silence.

“Not a match,” Charlotte muttered, waiting for their reaction. Chloe’s face relaxed and Caleb looked perplexed and gave a doubtful expression.

“Tell me you are kidding?” Caleb asked, looking at the room like expecting someone to arrest them.

“No. I don’t know how it’s possible, but I feel so doubtful about this. It’s not possible at all.” 

“Whatever. We need to face this. For now, we are safe. I will tell Caroline.” Caleb started texting on his phone and Chloe looked at Charlotte in hesitation to ask a question.

“Charlotte, did you do something to get rid of fingerprints?”

“What? If I did, I would tell you. There’s no reason to hide things like this. We didn’t even clean the bloodstain, and no one touched the bat other than me.” Charlotte explained, coming closer to her sister in anger for asking something stupid.

“Lower your voice. Do I need to remember you every time?” Caleb growled and looked in every direction. Some teachers are the only ones wandering in the hall and Charlotte’s friend Scott entered for the investigation. There is checking every teacher. They may stay in school till they checked everyone.

“Okay. Let me tell you why did I think like that. If you are the only one who touched it and you three forgot to destroy the evidence. That means someone else has touched it.” Chloe explained.

“Little sister, I never know you can think like that. You really have a point.” Caleb appreciated and Insulted Chloe at the same time.

“But we were there at the exact point without moving. So, there’s no chance of someone touching the body.” Charlotte said and thought about the day once again.

“You are wrong. We all left to check where to hide the body.” Caleb’s voice is barely audible. When he said that, Charlotte recalled it. Caleb is right. But who will come and do something to Becca in a short time?

“I think we just dig out how many enemies did Becca had,” Charlotte suggested, tapping her foot.

“Right now, Caroline is telling us to go to our work till the school gets over.” Caleb showed his phone.

Caroline: Are you all gone insane? Escaping from this issue is a miracle and you all are talking about the homecoming day murder in the middle of the corridor. For god’s sake go to your damn classes. 

“Hide that. You don’t need to show it like this.” Charlotte grabbed his phone and locked it.

“Group dismissed.” Charlotte gave his phone, and they all went in different directions.


Caroline kept pacing outside the cafe. It’s already evening, her work is over now she’s about to go home and need to think about Becca’s case. The fingerprint object won’t go wrong. There’s no change in it. She started to have more doubts. She replayed everything that happened in homecoming. Suddenly her phone rang and to her astonishment it’s Daniel.

She cleared her throat and attended it." Hello, Daniel," 

“Hey, Caroline. I hope you are free now. Can we meet?” he eagerly asked.

“I... Iam still not finished with my works. You should have told me earlier.” she lied for the purpose of knowing how he will reply.

“Aww... Iam has done with my shooting right now. I thought I could see it. If not, it’s okay. I will meet you next month.” 

“No. Next month? It’s too long. Iam done with my works. Iam free.” She blurted.

“But you told you to have work. Iam not going to disturb you.” he smiled.

“But... Iam...” she sounded disappointed. 

“Iam kidding. My guard is outside the Roshord high.” Daniel’s already prepared for taking her to his mansion again. This is going to be the second time Care’s going to his mansion.

“Wow... You are pre-planned for everything.” She got excited and walked outside to the entrance. Then she remembered she forgot to say bye to Bill. If she went without telling, he will surely ask her. She can’t tell him ‘I'm going to spend time with Daniel in his mansion'.

“Iam here. I can see a...” Care stuttered while talking with Daniel by seeing a Ferrari car outside waiting for her. She never travelled in a costly car. It will take all her life to buy it.

“What happened? Isn't my guard right on time?” Daniel, on the other side, sounded angry.

“No. This car is got to be costlier. I never ever seen this in real.”

“You got to see more like this. For now, I will hang up. My guards will take you to the shooting spot. From there, we will go to my mansion. See you soon.” He hung up and Care approached the guard, who opened the door without even asking anything. They already knew Caroline. The girl slapped an actor in front of everyone.

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