
Will they escape?


“Take a seat and explain it clearly. Did they get your fingerprint?” Caleb asked her while she took and folded her apron.

“They already took my handprint. It’s not a match, but they asked too many questions and she is so rude.” Care slammed her hand on the table.

“Where did they investigate?”

“On the first floor. They are going to check on teachers. It’s getting worse.”

“Oh, my gosh. Charlotte will be in trouble. How did you manage to tell?” Chloe panicked.

“They asked me to tell me every incident, so I told the truth.” Care casually replied after taking a deep breath.

“You told the truth? Are you insane?” Caleb silently yelled at her, trying not to grab any other attentions.

“You want to know the truth. The truth is, Bill proposed to me.”

“What am I asking you and what you are telling? Wait, a second. Bill did what?” Caleb got perplexed by her sister weird reply.

“I got no time to talk about this. But Bill, who’s been my best friend, proposed to me at homecoming, which ended up in a fight. I told them about this personal stuff and they had no suspect in me. I felt a little embarrassed, but that’s the only idea.” Care explained.

“So, he proposed to you for real and what did you say?” Chloe widened her eyes, expecting some positive answer.

“I rejected him, which leads to a fight,” Care said with regret.

“Well, you turned down your friend so easily. But that’s not the issue now. What lie did you tell after rejecting Bill.” Caleb cared less about Bill and was much interested in solving this problem.

“First of all, I didn’t hurt my friend, Bill. I said I was involved in a minor accident, got injured in my arm. So, I wasn’t there in the remaining hours of homecoming. Simple. They didn’t even ask about my injury, just told me to go. Handprint’s not a match.”

“You handled it quite simply.” Caleb nodded and started overthinking.

“We all did pretty well and Charlotte can do that too. But the fingerprint will tell the truth no matter how much we tried. She’s the only person who touched it.” Caleb said after a minute. 

“So, what are we supposed to do? We need to protect but we can’t take her home. They will suspect us.” Chloe said impatiently glancing at the watch. The time is running and they don’t know what Charlotte is doing right now.

“You two should warn her. Bring her to Cafe. The lunchtime is still going on. I can figure out something. Go now.” Caroline urged them and both of them stood up, alarmed. They rushed to the first floor where the investigation happened. Only the 9th and 10th grades are studying on the first floor. When Caleb and Chloe catch sight of the room, Charlotte is on her to enter the room. 

Both are then stopped right at the entrance and stared at Charlotte. She caught a glimpse of her sister and brother. She looked like a girl who’s going to enter the prison. She’s not even got investigated, but she’s sure this will be her last day working as a violin teacher. Self-defence or not, a murder is a murder. She looked hopelessly one last time at Caleb and Chloe and vanished from their sight. It all happened so fast. There’s no use for Caroline in thinking of a plan. According to them, it’s all over.

“Hey, kids, what are doing here. Don’t you have any class? The break is nearly over.” An old man, a teacher, asked while he’s head to some class.

“Yes... we have,” Chloe stammered, clutching Caleb’s hands tightly. Her hands are sweaty from fear.

“It’s a school, not a place for lovers. They are probably going to bunk the class.” A lady commented, leaning against the classroom door. It’s another adult teacher who’s looking at how they are holding hands.

“Shut your mouth. She’s my sister.” Caleb shouted at the teacher without being feared for anything. She can’t tell something stupid knowing nothing. The lady gave a shocked look and was embarrassed by her words. Within a moment, Caleb and Chloe took the stairs to the second floor and saw a text from Caroline.

Caroline: Where are you? I came up with a plan.

Caleb: It’s all over. No need for any plans.

Caroline: What do you mean????

Caleb: Charlotte’s already inside the room. We are way too late.


“Keep your hands on it.” a woman instructed, showing a man who’s holding iPad sized object. Charlotte fixed in her mind. She’s definitely going to get caught in a few minutes. She did what they told and got ready to burst the door, run at any moment.

“So where were you on Homecoming Day, Miss Charlotte?” she started with a simple question which will be ended up in a touch soon enough. Charlotte doesn’t want to waste her time by making up any lie. Instead, she could say ‘I killed Becca’ and run away. But she thought to act normal until the truth itself comes out. She doesn’t feel afraid or being feared of getting caught. Cause she knows one day this will end. Her sisters and brother can’t help her.

“I was at the party talking with other teachers,”

“You are not supposed to say a single word and stay silent. I heard no one stay at the party. At the time of homecoming, teachers didn’t stay at the party at all. Do you know that?”

“Umm...” Charlotte stared blankly at him.

“The principal called all the teachers are some discussions. Do you know that?”

“Um....” She doesn’t even know about any meetings or discussions. All she did was be with Jason in a classroom.

“Did you go for the discussion or not?”


“Where have been at the time? Don’t rise my temper. Are you going to say something or not? Finally, the lady lost her patience and shouted at the top of her lungs.

“Stop asking stupid questions. You want to know what I did that day. I was making out with another teacher. That’s it. Are you satisfied or wanted to expose about my affair to the whole Roshord high?”

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