
It's not a match


A formal woman dressed in a coat suit motioned Chloe to step inside. She wearing specs and looked like not slept for many days. She’s with a notebook and pen. Chloe worried more about seeing Becca’s mother, who is watching her like she’s some kind of serial killer. There’s another man standing holding an object that looks like an iPad. But it’s quite different from it. Its length is enormous and a wide-breadth.

“Keep your hands on it.” the woman ordered. Chloe slowly kept her hoping nothing bad happens even though she’s not the one who killed Becca.

“Now take a seat.” Chloe felt more uncomfortable near Becca’s mother. Her look is so fierce. There are more wrinkles on her face and looked sleepless, just like the investigated woman. Chloe felt guilty about seeing her. But Becca’s mother won’t even know Chloe. Maybe she’s just looking furiously at everyone.

“So, where have you been from seven to nine on homecoming day, Chloe?” the woman asked, seeing the name from a book. She didn’t even tell her name. The woman wanted to finish this and reach her home to sleep. This job made her sleepless.

“Tell something. Why are you keeping your damn mouth shut?” Becca's mom yelled all of a sudden.

“Hey, stop targeting everyone or I will kick you out of this room. We are here to ask questions. Your interruption is driving me crazy.” the woman shouted, literally dropping her notebook down.

“Fine. but Iam her...” 

“You are her mother. I know. So what? You can’t keep scolding every student in this school without a reason. These students are probably innocent, but I need to question them. The killer can be anyone. It may be a person who doesn’t even go to this school. Now shut your mouth, can you?” she made herself crystal clear. Becca’s mom walked herself out of the class madly. She can’t pressure anyone like this or she will be insulted like this.

“Now you can start talking.” the woman said, taking a deep breath. The room feels more stress free after she left.

“I was at the party with my friends.”

“Who are they?”

“Ian and Taylor from 12th grade and some of their friends.”

“So, you stayed there till the end?” 

“Of course. I don’t like parties at all. I stayed the whole time having a little chat and eating cupcakes. That’s it.” Chloe simply told them things which she never did.

“It’s getting late. Tell the next student to come. Probably no one had done nothing in Roshord high.” the man next to her told in frustration.

“What about the handprint?” the woman turned towards him, who is keenly watching in an object which looks like an iPad and a computer near him.

“Not a match.” He said checking her and Chloe felt more relieved. She walked out, gladly to see Becca’s mom. She is glaring at everyone who’s entering and going out of the room.

“Hey, you did it. It’s pretty easy.” Ian smiled at her, calling her into a hug.

“Why are you hugging me? It’s just an investigation, right.” Chloe asked while laying her head on his chest.

“I don’t know. Just appreciated you. You seemed so upset.” 

“Now Iam not.” She let go of his arms, and she is perfectly calm now. Then she got sight of his brother leaning on his locker.

“I will talk to you later. I need to see my brother.” She said impatiently and approached Caleb.

“I did it well,” she whispered.

“Iam so glad you did. It was pretty easy for me too,” he explained, grabbing by her arm.

“Where are we going?” Chloe asked, following him down the stairs.

“We need to see Caroline. I heard they are going to check the fingerprints of everyone in the school. Not only students.” he anxiously told taking her to the cafe.

“But they said only students...” Chloe trailed off, thinking about Charlotte. If her handprints are examined, she will be surely get caught. The vision of getting caught all together by the police entered her mind. ‘I can’t think like that. I don’t want that situation. I don’t want to be a pessimist,’ Chloe told herself.

“Here we are. Take a seat.” Caleb sat opposite Chloe and waited for a waiter. He hoped it would be Caroline or her friends. So, you could call her and talk about this.

“So, what questions they asked you. For me, they asked fewer questions and sent me. I think they desperately wanted to go home.” Chloe began once they are settled. They are lesser students around them eating their lunch. Chloe can’t believe she crossed half of the day successfully. Now all she can pray for is for Charlotte to escape from this problem.

“They asked me too many questions. I even got frustrated by it. Questions like What I did every moment. I think the woman would even have asked me what I did in the restroom.” Chloe laughed a little about how her brother managed it.

“Okay. Then how you told?”

“You know what? I figured everything out in these three days. Everyone knows Iam Ruby’s girlfriend. I created a sympathy for them.”

“You don’t need to create sympathy? You should have told you have been with Elliot or Bianca.” Chloe told and a waiter stood in front of them.

“Can you call Caroline?” Caleb asked him and the waiter nodded and left the table.

“I can’t do that. Bianca already said I left for more than an hour.”

“Why did she do that?” Chloe asked madly.

“She needs to tell everything that happened that day. It’s not her fault. I told them I got sick of being in homecoming without Ruby. Seriously, Iam still morning over Ruby’s death and I told that.”

Chloe lost in thoughts while Caroline walked towards them, grabbing a chair.

“Guys, we need to help Charlotte. They already took my handprint. They are checking everyone,” Caroline explained breathlessly.

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