
Bill's weird behavior


“That’s what I wanted to hear. Now we can go to school,” Jason wrapped his arms around her shoulder, hugging. They both made their way back to school. Charlotte seemed so happy to see Jason today.

While at the school, Caroline walked into the kitchen crossing all the students and people who were already eating their breakfast in Roshord cafe. Today there’s more crowd in the cafe. Even detectives, reporters are eating here. Suddenly, Caroline spotted Becca’s mother angrily pointing hands at someone and acting harshly just like her daughter. Care took her wandering eyes and walked straight.

“Hey Care, baby,” Care heard some familiar voice while bumping into someone. But who will call her like that? She’s never been called that. She took some steps back to notice the person.


“Yep. It’s me.” He looked brighter than the last time. Last time she lied to him about being involved in a car accident after having a fight with him. Actually, Bill felt worried about her, thinking he’s the reason for her accident. He doesn’t know she was shot by Becca.

“Okay. Can you move aside? I think Iam already late.” She casually spoke, but he’s watching her every move without a reply.

“Why are you acting weird?” Care raised her eyebrows. The way he acts makes her uncomfortable. She can’t face him after rejecting his proposal.

“Nothing. I don’t need to hide anything or act the way which Iam not. You know, I already told you how I felt. Now Iam going to wait for your reply no matter how many years you take.” Bill confidently spoke like Care will accept him one day or another.

“I already told, you are my best friend, Bill. I really don’t want to hurt you...” he wrapped his hands on her mouth, literally stopping her from continuing.

“I know. I said Iam going to wait for you. I know you feel something for me. I can’t let Daniel steal you from me.” Bill said, moving her towards the wall at the entrance of the kitchen. While everyone is working, these two are having a conversation like lovers, which is not true. The owner is not here right now to scold them. No one seems to notice them.

“What? Daniel did nothing. Why are taking this thing seriously? You know I adored him since my childhood.” Care told something which makes Bill angry. Bill makes a fist, thinking about Daniel, and calmed down in a second.

“I know that. You don’t need to tell it twice. But if you really don’t feel anything for me, then why did you kiss me back when I make the first move in kissing you in the cafe.” He smirked and pinned her to the wall. Care stammered at the right words. ‘I really don’t know what that kiss meant,’ she thought to herself. All she can think right now is she can’t believe she’s been loved by her best friend. 

“Tell me. You are taking so much time.” Bill lifted her chin up, making her see him. His action still stuns care. He never acted like this. He never ever had many friends and was totally not interested in girls. He’s only been close to Care. Now she knows what he feels about her. If Bill laid his eyes on any girls, whoever will surely love him back. But he’s spending time on Care.

“I...I... was” Care stuttered, trying to say something while she’s nervous by his touch.

“Hey, what the hell is going on? We all are working with many orders while you are having a romantic moment.” Clary came outside and shouted.

“We are not,” Care yelled back while her face turned red from embarrassment. Care got away from Bill right at the moment.

“You can tell the truth to me than hiding it,” Clary shouted under work pressure.

“Now you saw it by yourself. So, what’s the matter?” Bill spoke like Care already belongs to her.

“Please. I will explain it, Clary.” Care grabbed her hand and walked inside.


“Chloe, are you sleeping? The painting class is almost over.” Sara shouted over Chloe’s ears, who woke up from Sara’s voice.

“Oh sorry.” She rubbed her eyes and saw the whole class has already dispersed.

“Where is everyone?”

“It’s time for investigation. Now it’s your turn.” Sookie said, standing behind Sara.

“Oh, my god! Do I need to go right now?” Chloe stood up, almost knocked on the Brushes and paint.

“No. According to the alphabet, you will be first. Right now, the 12th grade is going to finish.” Sara explained. Chloe left the room without a reply or taking any of her belongings with her. When she’s out of the class, she spotted Ian outside coming out of the room where the investigation was going on. After homecoming, no one mentioned how Becca locked her in the locker.

Ian and Taylor can’t think about getting revenge on Becca for what she did to Chloe. Because she’s already been murdered. Now if they asked homecoming, what can she answer? What if Taylor or Ian already talked about Becca locking her in the locker? Everyone’s attention will be on Chloe. She can’t able to bear it while she buried Becca in the school backyard. 'Iam so stupid, I forgot about this incident. I should have prepared for it earlier.' Chloe muttered to herself.

“Chloe,” Ian called her when she spotted her.

“Hey. Iam so afraid.” Chloe told pathetically.

“Should I need to tell them about how I got caught in the locker? Iam afraid, Ian. I can’t do that. Did you tell me about that?” She blurted.

“Whoa, whoa, slow down. Taylor and I didn’t mention it to anyone. You don’t need to tell me that. We already thought about that. It’s not safe to tell this thing right now.” Ian consulted her.

“Oh, that sounds good.” Chloe let out a deep breath and got hit by another question.

“Why do we need to hide it?” she asked. Her sisters and brother are the only ones who know the truth so they are going to tell a lie. But Ian knows nothing about that.

“Becca’s mom is here. Becca’s mother will be just like her. I heard she will be sitting next to the investigator. No one likes to be watched, but she compelled everyone to take a seat when the investigation is going on. It’s not safe for you to accuse her daughter. Then we don’t know what she will do after that.”

“I never saw that coming,”

“Yes. Don’t look at her. She’s looking at everyone like the whole school has murdered her daughter. It’s not fair to judge everyone without knowing.” Ian told with irritation. It seems like Becca’s mom will be a problem than an investigation. Chloe nodded her hand and headed towards the room.

She’s slowly opened the knob of the door and peeked inside to ask for permission.

“Come inside,”

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