
A Lab Rat

Linda’s POV

My blood ran cold at Mr. Kingston’s words. Genesis patient? Clinical trials? It all sounded like something out of a nightmare or horror movie. And I was trapped right in the middle of it.

“What…what do you mean by Genesis patient?” I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper.

Kirby’s eyes gleamed with a twisted excitement as she moved closer, her expression sending chills down my spine. “It’s quite simple, Linda. We need a human subject, and you so happen to be available.”

“What better way of making you pay for what you did to us?” Mr. Kingston joined the conversation once again, laughing lightly.

I shook my head in disbelief, my mind stirring with fear and confusion. This could not be happening. I could not be some lap rat for their twisted experiments.

But their laughter only shattered any hope I had left. Terror gripped my heart as I realized the true extent of their plans. I was going to be a pawn in yet another sick game, but this time, it was not going Fallon’s, t
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