
Choices Were Made

Linda’s POV

Their reactions were a mix of surprise and concern, evident in the furrowed brows and exchanged glances between them.

“China?” My Dad’s voice held a note of concern. “Is everything alright? Why the sudden decision?”

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for their reactions. “I have decided to go back to Chris,” I said quietly, my voice barely above a whisper.

Silence descended in the room, thick and heavy, as their expressions morphed into a mixture of shock and concern.

“Linda, are you sure about this?” My mom’s voice was gentle, her eyes filled with worry.

“I have forgiven him,” I replied, trying to sound more confident than I felt. “And I want to give us another chance.”

My brother’s brows furrowed deeper. “Linda, have you really thought this through? After everything he put you through?”

“I have,” I insisted, though a flicker of doubt danced in the depths of my mind. “I just…I need to do this. For myself.”

“And the baby? What about the baby?” My mom’s concern was
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